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(DOWNLOAD)-Password Logbook

Here\'s your attractive online password organizer ...

(BOOK)-User Interface Design Bridging the Gap from User Requirements to Design

Although numerous sources document aspects of user...

(EBOOK)-Designing Virtual Reality Systems The Structured Approach

Developing and maintaining a VR system is a very d...

(DOWNLOAD)-Agile UX Storytelling Crafting Stories for Better Software Development

Learn how to use stories throughout the agile soft...

(EBOOK)-Human Factors for Technical Communicators

A crash course in human factors theory and practic...

(EBOOK)-Kasparov versus Deep Blue Computer Chess Comes of Age

In February 1996 a chess-playing computer known as...

(READ)-Switching to the Mac The Missing Manual Yosemite Edition

What makes Windows refugees decide to get a Mac? E...

(READ)-Designing Better Maps A Guide for GIS Users

Designing Better Maps A Guide for GIS Users second...

(READ)-Undercover User Experience Design (Voices That Matter)

Once you catch the user experience bug the world c...

(EBOOK)-OpenVMS Operating System Concepts (HP Technologies)

OpenVMS Operating System Concepts Second Edition u...

(READ)-GIS A Computing Perspective Second Edition

GIS A Computing Perspective Second Edition provide...

(BOOS)-Interactive Design for Screen 100 Graphic Design Solutions

Mobile web use overtook desktop use in 2016 with t...

(BOOK)-Dsos1 The User\'s Manual

With DSOS1 (Designer Shock Operating System 1) Ber...

(DOWNLOAD)-Research Methods in Human-Computer Interaction

Continual technological evolution has led to an ex...

(BOOK)-Becoming Agile in an imperfect world

Many books discuss Agile from a theoretical or aca...

(BOOK)-Make Getting Started with Processing

Learn computer programming the easy way with Proce...

(EBOOK)-Artificial Intelligence and Games

This is the first textbook dedicated to explaining...
