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(BOOK)-Hablando...nos Entendemos Los Dos (Spanish Edition)

Una guía práctica para padres de niños pequeño...

(BOOS)-Clinical Management of Motor Speech Disorders in Children

The book presents a strong theoretical fra...

(READ)-Psycholinguistics: Introduction and Applications, Second Edition

Psycholinguistics: Introduction and Applications, ...

(BOOK)-Fundamentals of Hearing, Fourth Edition: An Introduction

The fourth edition of this popular introductory te...

(READ)-The Word Escapes Me: Voices of Aphasia

A loss for words...something we all have experienc...

(EBOOK)-Neurogenic Disorders of Language

Brain damage due to stroke, traumatic brain injury...

(EBOOK)-The Hearing Sciences, Third Edition

The Hearing Sciences, Third Edition addresses all ...

(EBOOK)-Quick Reference to Speech-Language Pathology

-- Comprehensive, yet highly efficient coverage of...

(EBOOK)-Language and Literacy Development in Children Who Are Deaf

This text explores the ways to help children who a...

(BOOS)-My Stroke: 450 Days From Severe Aphasia Speaking, Reading, and Writing

Readers of My Stroke by Dr. Weinstein will follow,...

(EBOOK)-Introduction to Aural Rehabilitation

Now in its second edition, Introduction to Aural R...

(READ)-Endoscopic Ear Surgery: Principles, Indications, and Techniques

Endoscopic Ear Surgery: Principles, Indica...

(BOOS)-The Cochlea (Springer Handbook of Auditory Research 8)

Knowledge about the structure and function of the ...

(EBOOK)-Developmental Motor Speech Disorders (Neurogenic Communication Disorders)

CONTENTSForeward by Leonard L. LaPointe, Ph.D... P...
