Slac Tn 15 026 Slac published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Building Manager . . Mark Wise (408) 981-7114. ...
and Scholar. s. Symposium to . h. onour. our g...
Tor Raubenheimer. Stanford Graduate Student Orien...
I .- Rapidity Gaps and Jets as a New Physics Sig...
bunch are presented and a possible experiment to s...
Sean . Kalsi. on behalf of SLAC MCC operations ...
Les Cottrell . – SLAC. University of . Helwan. ...
OPERA . experiment. Maximiliano Sioli (Bologna Un...
2015. LARP W. eekly Meetings . Arup K. Ghosh (BNL...
Les Cottrell . – . SLAC. University of . Helwan...
America. (cooperation with France. ). Presentatio...
Early Years. From Scintillators . . ...
The beginning. In 1975/6 . Sharon . Traweek. . a...
Steve Holmes. SLAC Seminar. May 19, 2011. Outline...
HXR . Undulator. Tor Raubenheimer. Based on studi...
James . B. Murphy, Director. BES Scientific User ...
P. . . Emma (SLAC). Oct. 2, 2010. Towards a 5. th...
A. dvanced. . M. etrology. . U. sing. . L. as....
Outlook and Strategy. Eric R. Colby. Department H...
Les. . Cottrell. SLAC. ,. Presented at the OARC/...
June. 16, . 2011. David B. MacFarlane. Topics. S...
Heinz-Dieter Nuhn – . LCLS Undulator Group Lead...
WP1: microwave based accelerators. Status of CLIC...
1. , Scott Stubbs. 1. , Alex Wallace. 1. Introduc...
Name and date: Arial 16 regular. Subheadline. : 4...
By Luke Zhou, SULI Intern at SLAC National Accele...
Module Loading at SLAC . General Comments. Module...
Outlook and Strategy. Tor Raubenheimer. May 4, 20...
Outline. Introduction. Key progress. Initial cooli...
G. Riddone, 02/02/2010. 1. Content. Introduction t...
strucutres. S. Lagotzky, G. Müller. University . ...
RF Study. Zenghai Li, . Lixin. . Ge. (SLAC). Je...
. Jefferson Lab, Newport News, VA. Tolerances for ...
Tuning the beam (from Andy’s slides). SLAC can p...
Kathleen R. Geyer. August 12, 2010. Mentor: Dennis...
luminosity . 2 x10. 33 . . t. < 20 . ps. ...
Other Test Beams. Carsten Hast. SLAC National Acce...
Yemi Adesanya. October 2016. v. 3.0. 2. About Yemi...
Thirty Years of Collaboration. JLC/NLC/ILC. Gregor...
12 December 2014. Physics and Friendships, . A Sym...
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