Moocs Gamification published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Annisa. r. . Sari. Curtis J. Bonk. Meina Zhu. Bac...
Conflicting narratives in higher education policy...
(Assess Student’s Knowledge). Presented by:. Ve...
Action. Derrick Coetzee, Armando Fox, Marti A. He...
Yang. President and COO. Dan Chou. Director of Bu...
The University of Hong Kong. MOOCs. and . SPOCs....
. Presented. by Prof Fauzy Wan. National Higher...
. Nath. Jain. Professor of ...
Hype or Hope?. Catherine R Lucey MD. Professor of...
at UCT. A facilitator’s perspective. Agenda. Lo...
Hype or Hope?. Catherine R Lucey MD. Professor of...
MOOCs. Inter-University . Use. . of. . Tutored...
How . Will Extensive Monetization Impact Open Edu...
quality control . automated . assessment . ...
Abeer Watted and Miri . Barak. abeerw@tx.technion...
quality control . automated . assessment . ...
MOOCs for Credit Transfer . -. A . Step by Step ....
Proffitt. , OCLC Research. @. merrileeIam. MOOC. ...
Disrupting . Ourselves. What impact will techno...
Please give attribution when using in own context...
By Dr. . Heon. . Joo. Suh. Office of K-MOOC, Na...
(. Strategic Partnership . for . Creativity and En...
Software Engineering Education. Armando . Fox &am...
Flipped Classroom . to . MOOCs. —Using Technolo...
3 4 through social networks is still required, but...
five-year development of MOOCs before taking a lon...
Anticipating & Adapting To The Transformation...
Διακίνηση. Multimedia content delivery i...
Scholarship for . the future of research . and te...
Διακίνηση. Multimedia content delivery i...
online . and open . education. Darco . Jansen. SE...
INdia. Under NMEICT, MHRD. http://. ...
MOOCs . Pankaj Mittal. Additional Secreta...
What’s the best way to find out about your educ...
Kanwar. , President & CEO. Dr Sanjaya Mishra,...
A matter of truth. Selecting an article for essay...
Διακίνηση. Multimedia content delivery i...
Dan Grossman. Department of Computer Science &...
Wesleyan's . Coursera Experience. Consortium of L...
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