Monotone Vertex published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Michael . Margaliot. School of Electrical Enginee...
L Smith ASU Monotone Dynamical Systems Sontagfest ...
Lecture 16: Nov 9. A. B. …. …. f. This Lectur...
Submodular. Functions. Grigory. . Yaroslavtsev....
1. Raghu. . Meka. UT Austin. (joint work with Da...
Emily Andrews, Peter Alvaro, Peter . Bailis. ,. N...
Lecture 16: Nov 9. A. B. …. …. f. This Lectur...
Rocco Servedio. Columbia University. St. Petersbu...
. and the . Power of Monotone Proofs. Sam Buss ...
Mooly. . Sagiv. Textbook: . Principles of Progra...
A reformulation of the nonlinear complementarity ...
Dr Rupert Lasser Center for Mathematical Sciences...
Dashk vskiy Bj orn S uf fer abian R irth Abstract...
Sistemi Informatica Univ ersit of Florence 50139 ...
Sistemi Informatica Univ ersit of Florence 50139 ...
nouwenletuunl 1 Evaluative Adverbs Adverbs like am...
This seemingly incredible result relies on 1 the ...
Charatonik Mathematical Institute University of W...
Multiflows. Prasad Raghavendra. James Lee. Univer...
Michael Margaliot. School of Elec. Eng. . Tel Avi...
Pietro Ferrara. Chair of Programming . Methodolog...
. Siyao. . Guo. . . Ilan. . Koma...
James . Aspnes. , Yale University. Hagit. . Atti...
Shalev Ben-David. Definition. Given a function. ...
Lecture 3: Myerson’s Lemma. Yang. . Cai. Sep 1...
Sarah Cannon Diane . Souvaine. Andrew Wi...
on . approximation. of . submodular. and XOS ....
Kenji . Yasunaga. *. . . Toru Fujiwara....
Michael . Margaliot. School of Electrical Enginee...
Neil Conway. UC Berkeley. Joint work with:. Peter...
“algorithms for Big Data”. Grigory. . Yarosl...
Jason Hartline. Northwestern University. Brendan ...
Gaps for stochastic . probing. (Submodular . &am...
Sahil. . Singla. . (Carnegie Mellon University)...
A combinatorial approach to P . vs. NP. Shachar....
submodular. . objectives: . continuous extension...
Grigory. . Yaroslavtsev. Lect...
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