Journals Samanidou published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Another Introduction to Data Mining. Course Infor... Downloaded: 30 Jan 2...
in a CRIS . environment. Does. research . evalua...
F InitialobservationsThisstudybeganbychanceinmybat...
August2011,Vol.1,SpecialIssue ISSN:2222-6990 184ww...
- reviewed journals Sawyer LM, Wonderling D, Jacks...
1- REI Journal. 2- . Organization. of a journal....
Véronique. Kiermer, PhD. Director, Author &...
Open Science – unlock your research. Uppsala, N...
Making It Count. October 25, 2013. Lyn Paleo. , M...
faculty. *. * . but were afraid to ask. business....
R Philip Reynolds. Scholarly Communications Libra...
Basics . Every lecture has homework – a journal...
Ross L. Prentice, PhD. Division of Public Health ...
State Legislative History Research. Legislative D...
papers. in . ISI-Indexed Journals. :. Tips . and ...
Heal your Soul with Paper and Pen. By Clay . Bewl...
Communication. Editoras. . Predatórias. . est...
Ingrid Nielsen. Department of Management. Faculty...
Article-level . Altmetrics. Widget . for . Open ...
American Historical Review. Comparative Studies...
Medical . Publishing. Associação. . Brasileira...
Gregynog. Colloquium. 13 June 2016. Background. ...
Access . models . for . the humanities and . the ...
Dolores Zegar Judkins, MLS. Head, Instruction, Re...
“. Open access publishing in light of global d...
actually. do. ?”. Poor . reporting of interven...
Transportation Library. Jeannette Moss, . Researc...
Professor Ursula Weigold. AEP. Workshop for 1Ls....
OSCP Munch/Lunch & Learn #16, October 2014. J...
Finding an Evidence-Based Answer. Daniel Van . Du...
Another Introduction to Data Mining. Course Infor...
Sandra A. Martin, M.L.I.S.. Instructor of Library...
Beyond the “Publish or Perish” Discourse. Spe...
. This . method of reading and writing is an eff...
Zoe MacLeod. CFPRT. December 4, 2013. Series. Jou...
an introduction to. in linguistics. LAGB, 1st Sep...
Supporting the research . worflow. Brian . Nosek....
Maria Nedeva, . MIoIR. , MBS, the University of M...
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