Gev Flavour published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
nu. STORM. physics . with a μ storage . ring. Gre...
Simulation overview and . resource needs. Jin Huan...
Polarization. and . Energy. Calibration. Jowett....
and LHC. :. la . grande. . sfida. . della. . Nu...
. agitating. . that a Revolution in the field of ...
Operation . at . the. European . XFEL. .. An . ov...
R. are . E. ta . D. ecays with a. T. PC. . for . ...
In . Principle. and in . Practice. Karlheinz Meie...
Hadron. Collider. Aleandro Nisati (INFN). CHIPP. ...
. Electron & Positron Observation . Evolution...
Mei Bai. GSI . Helmholtzzentrum. . für. . Schwe...
in the CNGS beam. Gabriele Sirri. Istituto Naziona...
will we ever know?. Ray Volkas. School of Physics....
Mauro Pivi, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. ...
TB2020 . – . SRS noise . analysis. Veta. . Ghen...
David . Neuffer. September 2013. 1. Outline. Front...
at the . LHC for Photon Initiated Processes. (. in...
6-12, p. 232 FRENCH) Un antiprot
W - enu varsha ramakrishnan Double parto...
Z( mumu ) & Z( mumug ) Prof. Goshaw Duke Universi...
Jonathan Asaadi Adam AurisanoDaniel GoldinTobackTe...
Bennett Magy. 1. Top . Partner . Search. T. Wb....
Spin Asymmetries and TMDs. Jian. -ping . Chen , Je...
-like . states. Alex . Bondar. BINP, . Novosibirsk...
LHC. FCC-. ee. FCC-. hh. HL-LHC Plans. Prospects ....
Michele Faucci Giannelli. On behalf of the ATLAS c...
September 15-19, 2015. University of Warwick. Dark...
1. Physics. at FCC-. ee. Mutatis mutandis, CEPC ....
G. amma . R. ays from the Large-scale Disk of the ...
The . Frontiers. of PP; . what. to do . next. ?....
at . HERA. Luca . Stanco, . INFN-Padova. (. on beh...
states. Alex . Bondar. BINP, . Novosibirsk. Belle ...
1. 1. IRN . Terascale. IPPP Durham (UK) . Septemb...
. Higgs boson production in association with top q...
General Introduction. & . Experiment Configura...
Start-up and Project modes. XII . Sarantsev. Inte...
HERA. Janusz . Malka. (DESY). on behalf of H1 and...
J.Feltesse DAPNIA-SPP, CE-Saclay 91191 Gif-sur-Yve...
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