Cognitive Therapy published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
In the current studies we compared a crosssection...
Younger participants performed most of the tasks ...
Bilingual groups differed in degree of similarity...
The authors investigated the presence of semantic...
2011 Association for Computational Linguistics Co...
Lachman PhD Stefan Agrigoroaei PhD Chandra Murphy...
Traditional models of language comprehension as a...
Lindblom Arto Olkkonen Rami and Mitronen Lasse Co...
Jarvis Department of Neurobiology Box 3209 Duke U...
E Damen Matthijs L van Leeuwen Ap Dijksterhuis an...
Egan Laurie R Santos and Paul Bloom ale Universit...
edu forthcoming in dialectica finalist for dialec...
Boehm Fazilet Kasri and Keri Zehm University of C...
Zanna McGill University Steven J Spencer and Mark...
1994 Selfeffic acy In V S Ramacha udran Ed Ency...
It has been suggested that advances in genomics m...
Silvennoinen Jaakko Erkkila Matti Laine Isabelle ...
A very basic definition is comprehensi on or unde...
plural term, and the accompanying statements trea...
LeftBrained People vs RightBrain...
Fig.1 TRENDS in Cognitive Sciences Retrieval Corr...
98 Stewart et al.results have implications for...
Journal of Cognitive PsychologyPublication details...
mainstream cognitive scientists continue to rely o...
reference-frame realignments, what happens in the ...
Avoidance in Adult ADHD Laura E. Knouse, John T. M...
Typically developing infants show a reliable devel...
A Social Cognitive Neuroscience Approach D. Liebe...
Abstract Aim: as physiological processes as a way...
Onboard computers are variably referred as multis...
ISTRACTIONASIVEINESSOFIN casing of narrative,...
1 extrapolating from my work at the Interdevelopme...
21, 60% (1989) Critical Period Effects in Se...
- Mechanistic Explanation in Cognitive Science Wi...
issue cognitive walkthrough methodology closely fo...
g three time periods (the 1950's; the late1960's/e...
What School Counselors . Must . K. now. Intellige...
Metacognitive Rehabilitation of Overgeneralsity of...
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