Citation Turnitin published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Dolores Zegar Judkins, MLS. Head, Instruction, Re...
Vaughn, N. and L.M. . Moskal. , 2011. Identificat...
Hitting the Mark with your 103(f) Walk Around. Ap...
PubMed. Prepared by Diane Sauvé, B. Sc., M. B...
Chemistry Research. Low Ke Khoon. Graduate Tutori...
Desktop and Web versions complement/perform separ...
An application of evaluative methods. S519. Today...
Source: Country reports. Legend: Y = yes, N = no,...
Beyond the “Publish or Perish” Discourse. Spe...
Today’s date / presenter name / . etc. Example ...
October . 12, 2016. Citing Sources in Research Wr...
The Power of Noticing in Teaching Legal Writing t...
What you need to pass the Washington State Assess...
EndnoteWeb. Nancy B. Clark, M.Ed.. Director of Me...
Criteria H & I for HL - Criteria G for SL. R...
a. n introduction. Joan Starr. California Digital...
8. Citing Quotes . and. Paraphrases. Works Cited...
. Avoid “Quote Plopping”. Before you use a ...
How do I set up my “Works Cited”?. Make sure ...
at the Queensland University . of Technology”. ...
Using Online Sources. . by Annette Demers . BA...
X8. Chicago 16. th. . 產生隨頁註. 2017/03....
Assessment & Feedback. Session Outline. This ...
. Summary Analysis. . Everything. is...
Topic . Maps for Navigation in Information Space ...
Source: Country reports. Legend: Y = yes, N = no,...
Frequently Asked Questions. Joan Starr. John Chod...
Source: Country reports. Legend: Y = yes, N = no,...
An Introduction. Presented by the ULM Library Ref...
th. ed. 2. nd. print). The Writer’s resource ...
Cindy Cooley & . Atina. Jones. Cordova High ...
New York University College of Dentistry. Ignatiu...
Integrate Web of Science Data into your Systems a...
Why use MLA?. MLA (Modern Language Association) s...
Introducing the JATS Compatibility Model. B. Tomm...
Leadership and. Implementation Planning. Leadersh...
Why Plan?. “The German philosopher and writer A...
. May . 2016. Enforcement. Overview. Complaint ...
brasÍlia. , 26 . october. 2016. mile...
Chemistry Honours Students. Low . Ke. . Khoon. I...
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