Arm Azure published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Kevin Lam & Jon Fancey. Principal Program Man...
Feiping. Li . Jingjing. Yang. CSS53...
in Windows Azure. Name. Title. Microsoft . Corpor...
Azure Media Services. PJ Zargarzadeh. Principal A...
Brady Gaster. Windows Azure Technical Evangelist....
Through . Marketing. Dekko Secure. ’s communica...
Abhishek Pathak & Matt Reat. Program Manager....
Business Intelligence for Everyone. Michael Cruz....
Database Engine Enhancements in. SQL Server 2017 ...
Blobs Overview. Azure in a Day Training. Azure Bl...
Maarten Balliauw. Technical Consultant. Twitter: ...
Build . Applications in Microsoft SQL Server . Co...
How to fight against Zero-Day exploits. CDP-B348....
Linz, Austria. Jürgen Mayrbäurl, Solution Archi...
Windows Server 2016. System Center 2016. July 201...
Andrew Liu. Program Manager. Azure OSSA + NoSQL. ...
Meir . Mendelovich. Program Manager, Microsoft. @...
Paul Andrew Twitter @. pndrw. Technical ...
Scott Klein. Technical Evangelist. AZR311. Get in...
Andrew Conway. Senior Director Product Marketing....
Giulio Vian. http://. giulio.d...
Javed Sikander. Group Program Manager, BizTalk . ...
Program Manager. Office Extensibility. Get Your H...
Yousef . Khalidi. Distinguished Engineer. Microso...
Essential Cloud Storage Services. Brad Calder...
Azure and S3. Udaiappa Ramachandran. NHDN-Cloud C...
. on. . Petabytes. . of. . Data. . on. . Az...
CLD333. Agenda. What and why of Azure AD B2C. Dem...
#InnovateIT. Designing identity solutions with Az...
DCIM-B381. Welcome and thank you. How are we goin...
Azure. Peter Myers. Bitwise Solutions Pty Ltd. DB...
John Taubensee. Program Manager - Microsoft. Kent...
Dr. Rishi R. Sinha. Principal Software Engineerin...
nearing the tipping point. VirtG. Virtualization...
Vaclav Turecek. Senior Program Manager. Vipul Mod...
Organizations. Enrique Saggese. Sr. Program Manag...
Cihan Biyikoglu. Program Manager . Microsoft SQL ...
c. ustomers: . Deploying to Windows Azure Infrast...
. Sentiment Analysis with HDInsight . James Bere...
. Matouš Rokos. Infrastructure. . Consultant. ...
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