Cosmological published presentations and documents on DocSlides. Department of Phy...
Andrii Neronov. University of Geneva. Durrer. &a...
History and Present Status. . Motivated by . the...
PHIL/RS 335. Going back to the beginning.. The co...
Mike Stannett, University of Sheffield (m.stannet...
and overview of . cosmological arguments. Two exa...
AS. Background to the Argument. A classical theis...
By the end of Chapter 2 we had made it to 1840 wi...
naturalness and . supersymmetry. Natsumi. Nagata...
History and Present Status. . Motivated by . the...
What is the Cosmological argument?. Cosmological:...
Ue. -Li Pen. Tingting. Lu. Olivier Dore. Cosmolo...
Kalam. Argument. Learning objective. To be able ...
Cosmological Criticisms. Hume. 1711-1776. Empiric...
Alexander . Polnarev. QMUL, School of Physics and ...
homgeneity. of the universe.. 2. understand how H...
Giovanni Manfredi. Centre National de la . Recherc...
in . simulations. of . galaxy. . formation. G. M...
Clare Burrage . University of Nottingham. What is ...
Steinhardt Dep artment of Physics Princ eton Univ...
To understand the formation and evolution of larg...
Victorian Atheist Society. East Melbourne. April ...
. Dark Energy . What is dynamical dark energy ?....
45 We have all heard the sound of an ambulance si...
郭宗寛 . (. Zong-Kuan. . Guo. ). ITP. , . CA...
R2H2, V V2;=m2 V whichshouldsatisfy1,thespect...
Must every event have a cause? David Hume famousl...
Big bang!D(z)!~ c [t0-t(z)]!0!now!z!Big bang at z...
Cosmic parallax. Syksy Räsänen. University of H...
Thomas Krühler (DARK). Thanks to J. . Fynbo. , D...
eV. sterile neutrino production in the Early Uni...
D.S. . Hajdukovic. GBAR Collaboration Meeting. 18...
modelling. with the Collins-Williams . Regge. c...
Counting and measuring. universes. Why inflationa...
Questions for next week. 1. Read Deuteronomy 30:1...
Dwarf Galaxies in . Fornax. . Shed . Light on a ...
‘Those who try to prove that God exists a prior...
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