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(READ)-The Digital University Reinventing the Academy

The Digital University Reinventing the Academy

(DOWNLOAD)-The Component-Based Business Plug and Play (Practitioner Series)

There has been a phenomenal growth in autonomous b...

(DOWNLOAD)-Interactive Media The Semiotics of Embodied Interaction

The author discusses the existing theoretical appr...

(EBOOK)-Erfolg des Einfachen - Digital Studio Pro Jakob Nielsen´s Web-Design

Erfolg des Einfachen - Digital Studio Pro Jakob N...

(EBOOK)-Website-Konzeption Erfolgreiche Websites planen umsetzen und betreiben

Website-Konzeption Erfolgreiche Websites planen um...

(BOOS)-Systemanalyse kompakt (IT kompakt) (German Edition)

8222Systemanalyse kompaktquot zeigt Ihnen die Schw...


Please Read Notes Brand New International Softcove...
