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(BOOK)-Family Child Care Mileage-Keeper

The Family Child Care Mileage-Keeper is designed t...

(BOOS)-Selling Out the Church: The Dangers of Church Marketing

Description: Marketing the church is hot. For many...

(READ)-Bookkeeping for Nonprofits

BOOKKEEPING FOR NONPROFITSBookkeeping for Nonprofi...

(DOWNLOAD)-Accounting for Small Business Owners

All the financial accounting a small business will...

(READ)-Black Rage

The first book to examine the full range of black ...

(READ)-Battered Into Submission: The Tragedy of Wife Abuse in the Christian Home

Jim and Phyllis Alsdurf speculate on the question ...

(READ)-In Jesus\' Name: Evangelicals and Military Chaplaincy

Description: Can military chaplains pray in Jesus\...

(BOOK)-Rental-Property Profits: A Financial Tool Kit for Landlords

Real estate investing doesn\'t have to be ...

(BOOK)-Home Business Tax Deductions: Keep What You Earn

Now, more than ever, understanding taxes is essent...

(DOWNLOAD)-Sage 50 Accounts For Dummies, 4th UK Edition

The easy way to come to grips with Sage 50 Account...

(EBOOK)-The Profit Problem: They Say I Make Money, So Why Don\'t I Have Any?

If increasing your margins 1 percent would increas...
