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  • 0 Articles
(EBOOK)-Rehabilitation Research - E-Book: Principles and Applications

Covering the full range of rehabilitation research...

(BOOK)-Counseling-Infused Audiologic Care

The first edition of Counseling-Infused Audiologic...

(EBOOK)-The Aphasia Series Vol. 1: SFA, RET, RAP

The Aphasia Series, Volume 1 is your source for th...

(BOOK)-Communication Sciences and Disorders: From Science to Clinical Practice

Communication Sciences and Disorders: From Science...

(READ)-A Coursebook on Aphasia and Other Neurogenic Language Disorders

This excellent new edition of a highly respected t...

(READ)-Survival Guide for the Beginning Speech-Language Clinician

Survival Guide for the Beginning Speech-Language P...

(READ)-Childhood Language Disorders in Context: Infancy Through Adolescence

Here is a comprehensive introduction to language d...

(READ)-Sequences: Colorcards: 6 and 8-step for Adults

This title features 6 and 8 - step sequences photo...

(DOWNLOAD)-Pure-Tone Audiometry and Masking (Core Clinical Concepts in Audiology)

\"Pure-Tone Audiometry and Masking, one of five te...

(EBOOK)-Hearing in Children

This totally revised edition is a thoroughly refer...

(DOWNLOAD)-The Vocal Athlete, Second Edition

The Vocal Athlete: Application and Technique for t...

(DOWNLOAD)-Dysphagia Following Stroke (Clinical Dysphagia)

After a stroke, one of the basic needs for a patie...

(BOOK)-Language Sampling with Adolescents: Implications for Intervention

This book provides guidelines for analyzing spoken...

(BOOS)-Counseling in Communication Disorders: A Wellness Perspective

Showing students and practicing speech language pa...

(READ)-Communication Development and Disorders for Partners in Service

This book serves as an introduction to topics rela...
