Take a breathtaking look at the universe that is c...
Second edition, completely revised, of the only En...
Over 100,000 copies of this spectacular journey ha...
On the 25th anniversary of the moon landing, an ex...
Apollo was known for its engineering triumphs, but...
A funny, insightful, and self-contained guide to E...
The History and Practice of Ancient Astronomy comb...
The Alchemy Of The Heavens offers an exciting and ...
Written by two expert teachers and based on astron...
Celestial Encounters is for anyone who has ever wo...
The Herschel 400 is a list of 400 galaxies, nebula...
The study of astronomy offers an unlimited opportu...
From our special place in the Orion Arm to the Mil...
Modern Orbit Determination is an introduction to t...
This book introduces the reader to all the basic p...
This compelling visual journey through our galaxy ...
The Tetrabiblos of the famous astronomer, astrolog...
For one-semester Introduction to Astronomy courses...
With wit, humor, and an infectious love of astrono...
Set against the backdrop of the witchcraft trial o...
Space tourism is fast becoming a reality. Ordinary...
If you look up at the sky on a dark night, what do...
Planisphere and Starfinder is a practical guide to...
From the big bang to the present and into the next...
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