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(BOOK)-Soyuz: A Universal Spacecraft (Springer Praxis Books)

Rex Hall and Dave Shayler provide a unique history...

(BOOS)-Aircraft Engines and Gas Turbines

Aircraft Engines and Gas Turbines is widely used a...

(DOWNLOAD)-Mission to Mars

Michael Collins flew his first space flight missio...


With minimal text and bright-color illustrations, ...

(BOOS)-Fluid Mechanics

Fluid mechanics, the study of how fluids behave an...

(BOOS)-Elements of Gasdynamics

First-rate text covers introductory concepts from ...

(DOWNLOAD)-Engineering Mechanics: Statics

While covering the basic principles of mechanics i...

(READ)-Airline Management Finance: The Essentials (Managing Aviation Operations)

Airline Management Finance: The Essentials is of s...

(READ)-Making Contact

Jill Tarter is a pioneer, an innovator, an adventu...

(READ)-Safety Management Systems in Aviation

Although aviation is among the safest modes of tra...

(DOWNLOAD)-Modern Astrodynamics: Second Edition

Beginning with Hamiltonian dynamics, Modern Astrod...

(EBOOK)-Spacecraft Thermal Control Handbook, Volume I: Fundamental Technologies

This new edition of the classic Satellite Thermal ...

(EBOOK)-Model Aircraft Aerodynamics

This is the latest edition - fully revised and upd...

(BOOK)-Mission to Saturn: Cassini and the Huygens Probe (Springer Praxis Books)

Saturn is back in the news! The Cassini/Huygens sp...

(BOOK)-Rod Machado\'s Private Pilot Handbook: The Ultimate Private Pilot Book

52 new pages include glass cockpit and Internet we...

(READ)-Fundamentals of Flight (2nd Edition)

A comprehensive introduction to aeronautics for bo...

(DOWNLOAD)-The Merlin: The Engine That Won the Second World War

The Rolls-Royce Merlin powered the Battle of Brita...
