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(READ)-Computers As Theatre

Presents a new theory of human-computer activity. ...

(EBOOK)-The Conversational Interface Talking to Smart Devices

This book provides a comprehensive introduction to...

(READ)-Computational Social Networks Mining and Visualization

This book is the third of three volumes that illus...

(READ)-PrimeFaces Theme Development

Create package and customize stunning themes using...

(BOOK)-Requirements Engineering

Written for those who want to develop their knowle...

(BOOS)-Interview Techniques for UX Practitioners A User-Centered Design Method

Much of the work of user-centered design practitio...

(BOOS)-Security and Usability Designing Secure Systems that People Can Use

Human factors and usability issues have traditiona...

(READ)-Swing Hacks Tips and Tools for Killer GUIs

Swing Hacks helps Java developers move beyond the ...

(BOOK)-Brain Art Brain-Computer Interfaces for Artistic Expression

This is the first book on brain-computer interface...
