Xsd published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
data exchange. Words can have no single fixed me...
to XBRL. Part 2. 15th Eurofiling . Workshop. 30 M...
Datatypes. in . RDF . and . SPARQL. Maxime Lefran...
Prof. Steven A. Demurjian, Sr.. Computer Science ...
Regular Expression. A pattern of special characte...
Contents1Provider Services OverviewIn This Chapter...
STIJ5014 – Distributed Systems. Contents. Intro...
Web Ontology Language. Some material adapted from...
by. Dave Lewis, . Rob Brennan, . Alan Meehan, Dec...
OWL 2 . Based on material taken from. :. Ian . Ho...
Austrian Institute of Technology. @. aboutgeo. SN...
ESB Toolkit patterns and practices. Tomasso Groen...
Web Ontology Language. Some material adapted from...
. A vision beyond structural and value range val...
Eurofiling data modelling and taxonomy architectu...
Dr Andy Evans. Text-based data formats. As data s...
Creating Pipelines. Overview. Lesson 1: Introduct...
Web Ontology Language. Some material adapted from...
rules.This. set of rules identifies how you can ...
by TNO (NL), RDF (BG. ) . and CSTB . (F). Modelli...
FamilySearch. — A Large-Scale Reasoning Applic...
. A vision beyond structural and value range val...
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