Wearable Data published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Team #3 . : Team Topic Presentation. DCS861A . Em...
Team members:. Yih-Kuang Lu. Hieu Nguyen. Wearabl...
Name: . Nandhini. B N. USN: 4gw09cs406 . Guide:....
JYOTI RANA. Reg.N0:0801307165. Branch: It. AGEND...
Jian. . Xu. ,. . Qingqing. . Cao,. . Aditya. ...
Whisper: A Wristwatch style Wearable Handset. Wha...
Dr. Charles . Tappert . – pace university. Fall...
By: Jennie Moore. Nicole Zamor. Angelica Rodrigu...
A Wearable Gestural Interface. Developed by: Pran...
1 . . Mickael Fourgeaud. 1. Mohammad Obaid. 1. 1...
September 23 2016 Update. BIG IDEA. The Exhibitio...
By: Michael Glaberman. A Look Back in the United ...
Dr. Charles . Tappert . – pace university. Fall...
Pepe. ’ . L Contreras-Vidal, FIEEE. Cullen Disti...
This book focuses on the human aspects of wearable...
mitedu Pattie Maes pattiemediamitedu Jochen Huber ...
Blackburn Kathryn S McKinley Doug Burger James La...
Mobile wearable companionable emerging technologi...
By concentrating our design efforts on the sensors...
Accelerometer sensing module Signal processing mod...
Engineering, and . KINDI Laboratory for . Computi...
2Similar projects in this field include the Cyberg...
Chris Harrison. 1, 2. In UIST’11, October 16-19...
as in h. are. air . as in ch. air. ear . as in p....
The most Unique, Coolest GPS Belt Buckle . for ki...
: Andrea . Silvello. . Il team: . Celia Clinciu,...
for Human-powered Devices. Jaeseok. . Yun ...
Wearable Reference Platform (WaRP) with Standard D...
Figure 1. A wearable, bio-acoustic sensing array b...
& Background. Announcing…Designers of Thing...
Engineering, and . KINDI Laboratory for . Computi...
Zhuo. Chen, Lu Jiang, . Wenlu. Hu, . Kiryong. ...
Wearable Smart Devices. Tadashi Ezaki. Ulrike . H...
Smart Clothing. AiQ. . Smart Clothing Inc. .. St...
Chris . Atkeson. CMU Robotics Institute. 6/21/17....
The CU-GLASSES. KH . W. ong. The design of a smar...
To be supervised by Prof. KH Wong. The design of ...
Circadian Balance . PainLess. ChillOut. For balan...
Ye. Franz . Alexander Van . Horenbeke. David ....
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