Vnf Onap published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
BoF. IETF 90. th. , Toronto, Canada.. BoF. Chair...
Abstractions Network Service VNF VNF VNF VNF VNF L...
Al Morton. November. . 13. , . 2014. http://www....
An Overview. Mehmet Ersue. ETSI NFV MANO WG Co-ch...
A well-enabled VNF package. Catalyst . Theater . ...
Asher Gruber | January 2017. This work was carrie...
Adrian Hoban (Intel). OSM TSC Chair. Agenda. Arch...
Working with Containers in a Hybrid Environment. D...
Maryam . Tahhan, . Intel. Legal Disclaimers. Intel...
Emma Foley, Intel. Maryam Tahhan, Intel. Carlos Go...
Abstractions Network Service VNF VNF VNF VNF VNF L...
Abstractions Network Service VNF VNF VNF VNF VNF L...
Benoit Claise. Mehmet Ersue. Network Functions Vir...
Management Requirement. Huabing. Zhao. Change Man...
Chris . Elvidge. Earth Observation Group. NOAA-NE...
, SDN and NFV. Middlebox. . NFV (. Middlebox. ...
NaaS. Leveraging LSO, SDN and NFV. Agenda. Busine...
OpenFlow. and . ForCES. . IETF-93. Presented by...
Leaf-Spine Fabric. Saurav Das. Open-Source Multi-...
Modified from: . William Stallings. Background a...
… or not? Is this déjà vu all over again?. D...
Version 0.. 3. Draft – For Review. Arthur Berezi...
Souvik Dey. Principal Software Engineer. Suyash Ka...
TABLE OF CONTENTExecutive summaryIntroduction1. Ma...
1With the rise of mobile and IoT devices mobile se...
TABLE OF CONTENTExecutive summaryIntroduction1 Man...
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2. Modeling Requirements for R7. 3 Slice subnet do...
Paris Face-To-Face Sessions. Fu Qiao, China Mobile...
ONAP-ETSI NFV Contact Thinh Nguyenphu, Nokia. ONAP...
Data Center. Presented by:. Yaakov (J) Stein. CTO....
Stuart Mackie. NFV/SDN Architect. OSCAR Project Pr...
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