Ussr Amp published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
L/O – To identify and evaluate the long and sho...
Learning objective . – to be able to explain th...
Learning objective . – to be able to assess the...
Objective:. To analyse the reasons why the USSR b...
Causes in the USSR. 5. th. March 1953, Stalin di...
USSR. Soviet Union and Satellite Nations. 1989: T...
By James Walls, . Luko. Indie and Ben Walters. C...
The Cold War . Begins . 1945-1952. In 1946, post ...
3. rd. Year History. Causes of the Cold War. Pol...
Chapter 17, Section 5. The Soviets Dominate Easte...
Guiding Question:. How were the citizens of the U...
US vs. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Democ...
War tension. What is the message of this cartoon?...
1920-1940. Totalitarianism v. Absolutism. Totalit...
L/O – To identify the driving forces behind Sta...
Irish-American, son of a former senator, war hero...
9/1949 – USSR tests its own atomic bomb. 10/194...
Afghanistan. Written history goes back 3,500 year...
1979-1991. Illustration adapted from Ben Walsh, â...
L/O – To discuss and evaluate the role played b...
US vs. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Democ...
From the USSR to Modern Day Russia. Vladimir Leni...
Unit 11.1. Theme #1. . T. he United States and ...
Presidents; Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, and . Jim...
Case Study: Korean . War, Arms Race. THE KOREAN W...
Have your Study Guide Out for Chapters 1 and 2. H...
Unit 1 – The Heirs of War. After WWII, the US:....
Chapter 8 . Students . will . examine how ideolog...
L/O – To identify the key features and turning ...
By Mr Crowe. Space Race ...
Objectives:. Identify Nixon’s key decisions an...
Ms Leslie. History 12. Major elements. Treaty of ...
1968 - 1991. Reagan’s speech at Brandenburg gat...
1953: July -- Korean War ends. 1954: March –KGB...
Understanding the Modern World.) You will need to...
Civil War in Greece. A conflict in Greece where a...
The Rise and Fall of World Communism. 1917–pres...
1964- 1982 Brezhnev Era. Very Repressive. Corrupt...
USSR - War in Afghanistan. Strategic Defense Ini...
Containment. Mutually Assured Destruction. Korean...
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