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adaptive. -streaming-aware . CDNI. -. Request Rou...
Author : Kirill . Levchenko. , Andreas . Pitsilli...
CiteSeerX. Jian Wu. IST 441 (Spring 2016) invited...
ATTENTION Contact IT Telecommunications 44719 to ...
Every web page has a unique address and often beg...
of CSE POSTECH Pohang Republic of Korea freestarp...
Hongyu . Gao. , . Jun Hu. , . Christo . Wilson. ,...
Study. IIPC 2015 . General Assembly. . Stanford ...
References http://rspa.royalsocietypublishing.org/...
Kurt Thomas. , Chris Grier, . Vern Paxson, Dawn S...
Abstract. Twitter is prone to malicious tweets co...
Matthew Hurst. Alexey Maykov. Live Labs, Microsof...
Efficient URL Caching for World Wide Web Crawling...
B. Characteristics of a good brand name.. The nam...
Data Citation and Linked Open Data. Paul Groth @....
Phrases that Predict Success on . Kickstarter. ....
Level 2 Standard Products*. Not all L2 data value...
Jason . Ganzhorn. 5-12-2010. 1. Background. A lar...
-- client honey pot. UTSA. Architecture of Web...
BootCaT. corpora: building and evaluating a corp...
Padmini Srinivasan . Computer Science Department ...
. Schütze. and Christina . Lioma. Lecture . 20...
Barone. TEB meeting – 13 Jan 2012. Forge useful...
Botnet. and the Rise of Social Malware. Kurt Tho...
Who. . am. I?. Maciej Mensfeld. 1/23. Presented...
Authors. Abu Awal Md Shoeb, Dibya Mukhopadhyay, S...
David Hay . With . Anat Bremler-Barr, Daniel . Kr...
GeorgiaFIRST. . Financials. PeopleSoft Query: Th...
WWW vs. Internet. World Wide Web. An application ...
Cedric Cochin 1 TBD. Intel Security - McAfee La...
Lioma. Lecture . 20: Crawling. 1. Overview. . R....
and . Self-Service . S. ite Creation. Steve Pesch...
Collective Memory and the Web. “No . one believ...
It’s not the consumers’ job to know what they...
Detecting and Characterizing Social Spam Campaign...
Professional Societies What kind of education wou...
The Benefits of Reading Books,Most people read to ...
www.dj4e.com. Linux. Browser. Django. WGSIConfig. ...
Amir . Houmansadr. CS660: Advanced Information Ass...
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