Universals . published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
structural universals, while universals with no co...
J. Blackmon. Platonic Forms. Platonic Forms. The ...
the Humanities. : . Some points for discussion. 1...
Second Language Acquisition . (. Eckman. , 2012: ...
TYPOLOGY. borrowed from the . fi. eld. . of biol...
#5. Tuesday. , September . 20th. Create a list of...
Aristotelian realism vs. Kantian constructivism. ...
Quine On What There Is. The Problem of Ontology: ...
twenty-six Greenberg-style numbered universals. 1...
Immanent universals, characterized by being spati...
Basic Terms. Linguistics and Linguists:. Linguist...
meaning, just as they have been applied to numerou...
universals? What about terms that aren
2-2. Focus Question . List any foreign practices ...
and the quest for . Translation Universals. . UC...
The Basic Order Typology Morphology Conclusion: So...
universals . Cambridge [u.a.]: Cambridge Universit...
learning in populations. Kenny Smith,. Bill . Th...
Lecture . 9. The Nyaya – Vaisheshika School. Ny...
universals? What about terms that aren
As I have said, philosophers are not clear about w...
W. v. O. Quine. Two Philosophical Problems. The P...
Theories of first language acquisition. We are no...
meaning, just as they have been applied to numerou...
Let’s create a culture together!!. Sharing and ...
Let’s create a culture together!!. Day 1....Per...
A way to compare cultures across time and around ...
World's . first . Arabic speaking robot, named ...
Create a Quiz. With a partner, create a 15 questi...
Human. Ethology. (50’s & 60’s). (Cultural...
Cultural Universals. Basic needs that all societi...
The Problem of Ontology: What is there?. physical...
Human. Behavioral Ecology. Evolutionary . Psychol...
This book covers physical and behavioural characte...
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