Tweets Intelligence published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
class. on the applications, implications and tec...
1Q-3Q 2012 vs. 1Q–3Q 2015. Viewers Passion for ...
Missteps and Milestones Using Twitter in the Clas...
Kim . kardashian. Why. are they a celeb?. Realit...
Vocabulary. Handle. @Mentions . Tweet. Follow. Ti...
1 Implicit Entity Linking in Tweets Sujan Perer...
Rebecca Himberger. 1. , BS. Royce Kimmons. 2. , Ph...
and . Inter-Tweet Agreement . Srijith. . Ravikuma...
What impact might it have on how we work and live...
refers to all of the applications and technologi...
Why/how do we measure it?. What do we do with the ...
Basic Concept in Measurement of intelligence. Type...
Succeeding in school and in in higher level jobs a...
(. AI). , sometimes known as machine intelligence,...
. prediction. . of. . Twitter. . users. . ba...
Large-scale near-real-time stream processing. Tat...
24. %. of All TV Tweets in 2014. Source: CAB Ana...
MARK 490. Week 2. Today’s class. Some tools for...
Ming-Hsiang (Ming) Tsou .
: . Using . an author’s historical tweets to pr...
Keyphrase. Extraction from Twitter. Zhao, et al....
Zhe. Zhao Paul Resnick . Qiaozhu. Mei. Present...
Large-scale . near-. real-time . stream processin...
Kurt Thomas. , Chris Grier, . Vern Paxson, Dawn S...
: Interactive Visualization for Exploring and Com...
:. Analyzing Tweets for Real-Time Event Detection...
Liangjie Hong. and Brian D. Davison. Computer Sc...
Team :. Priya. Iyer . Vaidy. . Venkat....
Approach to Social Annotation of . News. Top-k Pu...
Abstract. Twitter is prone to malicious tweets co...
M. Tech Project Presentation . By :. Pranay. . ...
. Hu . (. @. hyheng. ) . Arizona State Univ.. Aj...
By Kim Holmberg. /. Removi...
Summary. Question: . Do MPs use twitter to engage...
Include Photo. Either a photograph or drawing tha...
: Ranking Tweets by Exploiting the Tweet/User/Web...
To Twitter or Not to Twitter That is the Question...
digitales. Análisis de redes sociales online y m...
Worst marine incident in the Great Lakes in the l...
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