Tweets Data published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
1Q-3Q 2012 vs. 1Q–3Q 2015. Viewers Passion for ...
Missteps and Milestones Using Twitter in the Clas...
Kim . kardashian. Why. are they a celeb?. Realit...
Vocabulary. Handle. @Mentions . Tweet. Follow. Ti...
1 Implicit Entity Linking in Tweets Sujan Perer...
Rebecca Himberger. 1. , BS. Royce Kimmons. 2. , Ph...
and . Inter-Tweet Agreement . Srijith. . Ravikuma...
. prediction. . of. . Twitter. . users. . ba...
Matt Williams. . & Luke Sloan. Pete . Burnap...
in . Social Media. Anupam Joshi. Oros. Family . ...
TwitterNLP. Ludymila Lobo . Twitter NLP. Ludymila...
Trust and Privacy . in Anonymous Online Communiti...
Politeness . and . Likeability. . Navita. Jain....
Politeness . and . Likeability. . Navita. Jain....
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Universi...
718 Yue et al. ...
Matt Williams. . & Luke Sloan. Pete . Burnap,...
Large-scale near-real-time stream processing. Tat...
: Interactive Visualization for Exploring and Com...
Team :. Priya. Iyer . Vaidy. . Venkat....
Rui. Li, . Shengjie. Wang, Kevin Chen-. chuan....
Soulmates. Intimacy and irony markers in social m...
Dynamic Spectrum Sensing for Android Devices. Mic...
Named Entity Recognition in Tweets: TwitterNLP Lu...
Alan Ritter. Mausam. , Oren . Etzioni. , Sam Clark...
24. %. of All TV Tweets in 2014. Source: CAB Ana...
MARK 490. Week 2. Today’s class. Some tools for...
Ming-Hsiang (Ming) Tsou .
: . Using . an author’s historical tweets to pr...
Keyphrase. Extraction from Twitter. Zhao, et al....
Zhe. Zhao Paul Resnick . Qiaozhu. Mei. Present...
Large-scale . near-. real-time . stream processin...
Kurt Thomas. , Chris Grier, . Vern Paxson, Dawn S...
:. Analyzing Tweets for Real-Time Event Detection...
Liangjie Hong. and Brian D. Davison. Computer Sc...
Approach to Social Annotation of . News. Top-k Pu...
Abstract. Twitter is prone to malicious tweets co...
M. Tech Project Presentation . By :. Pranay. . ...
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