Torah Hot published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Talmud Torah. תַּלְמוּד תּוֹרָה. ...
Introduction. Introduction. What . do we teach wh...
Quick Review. 5.1. Moses led the people to the Pr...
Heron Haile. Kat Wilson. The Kabbalah. Applies to...
Parasha Bereshit. Bereshit (Genesis) 1:1 – 6:7. ...
Yom Kippur 5774This weeks commentary was written b...
52EIKEV 5781Heads of OU Kosher Visit Torah VeHa146...
Describe Synagogue services. Demonstrate how syna...
JUDAISM. What is it?. Simply as a religion is too...
To describe the key features of a synagogue. To c...
Dr. . Faydra. Shapiro. Leadership. Teacher. Exem...
. ואלה . המשׁפטים אשׁר תשׂי...
World Religions: A Voyage . of . Discovery. DOC I...
1 Nephi 1. Rediscovery (and editing) of the Book ...
An Introduction to Jewish Mysticism. The Bible: T...
in die . jüdische. . Literatur. und . Kultur....
Our fellow-Jews cry out to us, giving us deep caus...
“A 4000 year old tradition with ideas about wha...
Or,. A Serious Romp Through the. Graf-. Wellhause...
Reminder…. Rediscovery (and editing) of the Boo...
Everything you ever wanted to know and more!. Whe...
Wifi. . Wifi. : . mycci01. p/w: . ancientquail06...
A New Torah. Jeremiah 31.27-34 | Psalm 119.97-104...
Torah. Torah –not arbitrary list of rules. ** G...
Whatever it is…It’s definitely something I wa...
the world experts. Professor Eliyahu Rips. Consid...
. For Jews, the synagogue is a communal place of...
(Rabbi Harold Kushner, . To Life. ). A “covenan...
The Star of David. Significance. 7 spaces recogni... Yitro. “. Jethro....
to engross ourselves in the words of the Torah.. ...
Judaism is described the covenant between God and...
Ruling government in Gaza? . Hamas. . Legacy of ...
English. Month Number. Length. of Month. Gregoria...
Unfortunately, he was not a man of means, and he ...
LIHA, Rabbi Shalom My Dear Parents, Students and ...
19 serve as an appropriate concluding statement fo...
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