Tia Stroke published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Approach to TIA and Management of Stroke after 4....
S. Claiborne Johnston, MD, PhD. Dell Medical Schoo...
Louis Muller. EM Registrar. January 2010. Objecti...
Preventing stroke. Primary prevention & lifest...
Ganesh Asaithambi, MD. John . Nasseff. Neuroscie...
Patients with TIA or Non Disabling Stroke Symptoms...
Stroke Resources for health Professionals. Stroke ...
What effect does glycemic control with insulin hav...
Train the trainer—content reviewed from. Transie...
Mai 2016 . | Rihab Ehm. Siemens.com/. tia. -porta...
Mai 2016 . | Rihab Ehm. Siemens.com/. tia. -porta...
Team. 1. TIA Portal in UAB. At . the moment suppor...
Amy . Marasco. ,. TIA SIPC Chair. Document No:. GS...
TIA Training. Bernd Schuh (ÖIR), Roman . Seidl. ...
Ron Pellegrino, MD. November 20, 2015. Objectives...
. October 2013. Acknowledgements. Rebecca Fleck,...
:. F. ace . A. rms . S. peech . T. ime. You an...
:. F. ace . A. rms . S. peech . T. ime. You an...
Rachel Tyndall SROPresentation to OSC 4 February 2...
ORIGIN. Pierre . Amarenco. , Hans . Denison. , . S...
Epidemiology, Pathophysiology, Diagnosis and Follo...
-24- Primary prevention refers to those activiti...
ischaemic. attack in patients with. a diagnosis o...
Sarah L. Livesay, DNP, RN, ACNP-BC. Assistant Pro...
National Stroke Association. ADVOCATE. – Inf...
National Stroke Association. ADVOCATE. – Influ...
Physical and pshychosocial handicap. Lesions of br...
There are two types of strokes . –. . ischaemic...
R. apid . A. rterial . o. C. clusion. . E. valuat...
Prevalence of post-stroke fatigue. Post-stroke fat...
AMEC International Communication Effectiveness Awa...
Stroke throughout history. CT=computerized tomogra...
1 dwai_sen@yahoo.com Stroke and Transient ischemi...
Therapy for the Secondary Prevention of . Cerebr...
Therapy for the Secondary Prevention of . Cerebr...
Use this template to build your presentation for ...
Anticoagulants. . Warfarin. Dabigatran. Rivaroxa...
Danielle . Pirrie. CCPA. Toronto East General Hos...
post-stroke population. Lauren E. . Cipriano. Jeff...
European Stroke Organisation Conference, Lyon. Gui...
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