Susy Higgs published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Beyond Orbifold Singularities. Sebastián. Franc...
. Guchait. TIFR, Mumbai, . ...
the Large Hadron Collider. Jeffrey D. Richman. De...
breaking ,R-symmetry breaking ,and . metastable....
. Induced. . susy. . breaking. and De . Sitter...
No leptons, jets, missing ET. . Improvement...
Signatures of . Supersymmetry. . Without Prejudi...
Double Bubbles,. & . Superstrata. Saclay, 15 ...
Multileptons. Elliott . Cheu. , Caleb . Lampen. ,...
spacetimes. David . Kubiz. ňák. (Perimeter Inst...
Natsumi. Nagata . Based on J. . Hisano. , K. . I...
Revealed. Rosemary . Armao. , SUNY. Maud . Beelma...
Andy Parker. Cavendish Lab. The Cambridge SUSY Wo...
Z. -peaked excess. Vasiliki A. . Mitsou. IFIC – ...
Jonathan Asaadi Adam AurisanoDaniel GoldinTobackTe...
Nick Barlow. (University of Cambridge). on behalf...
a long-lived . slepton. in the . coannihilation....
Harvard, March 5, 2015. collaboratio...
door. A successor of Susy Blake, slipshod and dila...
Pankaj Jain . I.I.T. Kanpur. Introduction. Univer...
flation. . around the . S. upersymmetric. Vacuu...
branes. . and . Nambu. bracket. Yutaka Matsuo (...
A. Kulesza, Squark and gluino production at hadro...
@ . ATLAS. Alan . Barr. University . of Oxford. K...
Mara . Senghi. Soares. On behalf of the CMS Coll...
steps. Monica D’Onofrio. . (University of Live...
@ . ATLAS. Alan . Barr. University . of Oxford. F...
in the light of LHC. experiments. Free Meson. 7....
Director, New Zealand Centre of International Eco...
-Only SUSY Scenarios. Galileo Galilei Institute W...
a long-lived . slepton. in the . coannihilation....
C.-E. . Wulz. (Institute of High Energy P...
A precision window . into physics beyond the stand...
E.A. Hinds. . Birmingham 11. th. July 2011. Cent...
September 15-19, 2015. University of Warwick. Dark...
Laurence Cook . “I love to talk about nothing. I...
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