Surface Photonic published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Denys Bondar and Alexey . Goun. , Princeton Unive...
Xiaodong. Yang,. October 25, 2011. The iridesce...
Nanomaterials for Portable Sensing of Food Contam...
Supported by DFG within SFB 634. C. Bouazza, C. C...
Architectures through Adaptive Wavelength Divisio...
The big picture. Dr. Erna Sri Sugesti, Ir., M.Sc....
Optics. . George . Stegeman. , KFUPM Chair Prof...
Why Study Electromagnetics?. Uday Khankhoje. Elec...
Bloch-. Polaritons. in Multiple Quantum Well Pho...
Glenn H. Fredrickson, University of California-San...
source sensor surface element normal brPage 3br B...
Susobhan. Das. Graphene. Experimental Setup. ...
Chiral. Liquid Crystals using . Electrically Com...
Jae Woong Yoon. , . Kyu. Jin Lee, . Manoj. . Ni...
?. Rebekka. . Posselt. , Aku Riihelä. With supp...
Created by Winds. Coriolis Effect- The shifting o...
A new technology procurement paradigm . The pace ...
8.7B. Surface Area of Cylinders. Essential Questio...
?. Rebekka. . Posselt. , Aku Riihelä. With suppo...
At surface, some forces are missing, pulls molecul...
Johnson a Shanhui Fan c Yoel Fink b and JDJoanno...
EbrahimZadeh ICFOInstitute of Photonic Sciences M...
The red arrows show the light bent by the grating...
Krauss School of Physics and Astronomy University...
P Uranus HJWM Hoekstra and E van Groesen Integrate...
In efforts to achieve higher fuel efficiency, car ...
. Billiards. , . Photonic. Crystals . and. . G...
“Topologically . Robust Transport of Photons in...
Scintillator. -based detectors for . Calorimetry....
Photonic Crystal Fiber Based 1x16 Intensity . Spl...
Opportunity (WHY?). Impact (SO WHAT?) . Timelines...
Identification for Grand Challenges. Ralph Nuzzo,...
Microwave. . Billiards. , . Photonic. Crystals ...
the Rocket Equation with Photons. ykbae@ykbcorp.c...
Directed. Placement . Algorithm. . for. 3D Opt...
Signal Fires. Smoke Signals. Signal Mirrors. Sign...
Transitions. in . Microwave. Dirac . Billiards....
B. Singh (P. I.), M. S. J. Marshall, and V. V. Na...
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