Supernova Supernovae published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Developed by . the SOFIA Team. 0. Topic: . Supern...
Most stars either have M < 1.4 . M. ʘ. , . or...
University of Sheffield. What is a supernova?. St...
Mysterious explosions in the Universe. Poonam Cha...
light curves and spectral evolution. Bruno . Leib...
Supernovae . J081659.74+511233.7 . and . J0728538...
Developed by . the SOFIA Team. 0. Topic: . Supern...
Chelsea Braun. Credit: Artist illustration ESO, h...
Original source: Arnett. , W.D.; et al. (1989). "...
Talk by: John McCann. Paper by: D. . Poznanski. ,...
Array for Sub-. F. ermi . E. nergy . H. eavy Ion...
From Supernovae to Planets. Drafted by Manning fo...
21.1 Life after Death for White Dwarfs. 21.2 The ...
What is a supernova?. AND NOW. …. A SUPERNOVA I...
supernovae in LIRGs. Image processing courtesy Mi...
Bruno Leibundgut. Some past supernova surveys. His...
Physics Opportunities with. Supernova Neutrinos. ...
1. John Beacom, The Ohio State University. 2. Pla...
with WFIRST . DRM1 and DRM2. C Baltay. June 1, 20...
Instrument Chemistries for each step in the decon...
Instrument Chemistries for each step in the decon...
Super-Luminous Supernovae. Shri. Kulkarni & ...
S. R. Kulkarni. Caltech Optical Observatories. Ke...
S.J. . . Smartt. M. Nicholl, . C. . Inserra, A. J...
Lecture 1. Josh . Frieman. I Jayme . Tiomno. Sch...
Supernovae Typeഎbฌan...
rotates 30 times per second. Hot gas is pulled tow...
Vs. . binary star progenitors of Type Ii. b. . ...
Lecture 2. Josh . Frieman. I Jayme . Tiomno. Sch...
May 27. th. , 2009. Supernovae and cosmology. Gav...
Lecture 2. Josh . Frieman. I Jayme . Tiomno. Scho...
Session Objectives. During this session you will ...
Estimates by C. Baltay. DRM 1 compared to IDRM. M...
2013/12/18. Speaker . : Yu-. Hsun. Cheng. Profes...
(Supernova Impostors) Schuyler Van Dyk IPAC/Calte...
Jim Kneller. NC State University. NOW 2010. The n...
Supernova Remants and Pulsar Wind Nebulae in the ...
N. eutron . Stars Foreseen. . Supernova . End Pr...
NOVA Counselor and . SUPERNOVA Mentor Training. I...
Highlights of the past 25 years. Outstanding myst...
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