Story News published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Divide into groups of 3-4. Share your stories—t...
Presentation . is adapted . from . . http://pr-n...
If news isn’t true, does that make it fake? . Wh...
beg 16. th. January 2017. 2016: can you name th...
T. imeliness/ . I. mmediacy. News is what is happ...
nnrrr rrrrrrnrrrnrrrrrrrrrrrrrnrrrrrrCBC News - ...
Identifying structure . We have looked at the str...
What do you already know about bias?. What is bia...
Mary Evans. sayhello. @. Wha...
Learning Goals. To identify the parts of a news r...
All the tiny pieces make a beautiful big picture....
What is bias anyway?. Favoring one side, position...
impact, timeliness, prominence, proximity, bizarr...
The practice of managing the communication between...
Inspired by Heather Lister and . susan. Brooks-yo...
Handout One of the best known lists of news value...
English. You will need. A pen, paper and workbook....
Juvenile Delinquents Turn Heroes. Researching the...
News Values 1 Abstract The thesis of this paper,...
Use the . GEDAE. approach:. G. ood News. E. xpla...
How to do research in this new era. By: Tanya Phi...
28%. In The Past Year. 2:06. 2:07. 4:30. 4:27. 5...
"It's a fantastic way to increase [customer] affi...
Bias . using . Simple Textual . Analysis. Yuval P...
Adam Dobrodt, Donna Pistolis and Martha Vickery. ...
“Battle Royale”. Choose Your Own. Concepts to...
Comm. 260W. Writing a News Release. Identify the...
That which papers print?. Hard News: important, o...
4. th. . Genderlinks. Conference,. Johannesburg...
Educating better citizens and student journalists...
bad. . news. What. . makes. . events. . newsw...
Myths. Sensationalism . James Madison. “Nothing...
rely on others . for access to the story?. The Bu...
The most commonly discussed forms of bias occur w...
Operates on a 24-cycle- causes us to move to the ...
The most commonly discussed forms of bias occur w...
EXAMPLE 2: Descriptive Lead (Nut graph in italics)...
WP-2018-001AUGUST 2018PRESENTED BYNORC at the Univ...
Framing the News 2 Framing the News 3 Framing th...
English. You will need . A workbook . or a digital...
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