Social Protection published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Presentation at the 1st Namibian Social Protectio...
Mortgage protection insurance is a policy that hel...
Mortgage life protection insurance can be a valuab...
: . Costing. & . Financing. SP . targets. S...
Integrating Social Protection in national develop...
Post-2015: . Framing the targets . 6. th. SPIAC-...
Kenneth Burns. 24. th. January 2011, University ...
Alexandra Yuster, Associate Director. Chief, Soci...
Dr.. Nicola Jones. Research Fellow. Overseas Dev...
Integrating Social Protection in national develop...
ILO Brussels in cooperation with ILO social secur...
& . indicators to measure and monitor progress...
A Session at the Civil Society Forum at the Annual...
. Graffiti by Banksy. Sylvia . Beales. a...
Vic Van . Vuuren. Director . ILO . Southern . And...
ILO, 2013. Key questions. What is a social contra...
Paul Dornan. March 2013. Outline. Young . Lives ....
-through a series of public measures against econ...
An . update to the literature review in 2014. Pro...
I. nvesting now, for shared prosperity. Alexandra...