Snomed Concept published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Kin Wah Fung, MD, FRCSEd, MS, MA. National Librar...
eHealth. Deployments in the EU. First Expert Wor...
genomic . medicine . Olivier Bodenreider and David...
. Pathology. Marcial García Rojo. Hospital Genera...
Working together towards a common strategy . Overv...
HL7. Phoenix WG Meeting. May 5, 2014. Agenda Item...
Scope, proposal, and next steps. The Need. A logi...
Terminfo. Project. IHTSDO Implementation SIG Web...
Friday 9. th. October . 2015 . Leeds. Community ...
Software GmbH, Koblenz, Germany. b . IMBI, Unive...
HL7. San Antonio WG Meeting. Monday Lunch. Januar...
Friday 9. th. October . 2015 . Leeds. Community ...
Instructions and Guidelines for Use. This templat...
b. University Medical Center Freiburg, Germany. c....
Putting terminology to work…. Koray Atalag. MD,...
). Tumor Registry. Dx. Date. 1/1/2010. Dx Code. C...
Ian Spiers, Terminologist, NHS Digital. Data Quali...
Amherst, NY, Sep 7 – 8, 2016. Keynote address:. ...
Kin Wah . Fung. 1. ,. . Julia Xu. 1 . ,. ....
Consequences . on interoperability. Jean-Noël . N...
Ian Green. Clinical Engagement and Education Busin...
LOINC-on-OWL . Jim . Campbell MD. Nebraska Medicin...
4.4.0 Value Sets Defined in FHIR for Allergy-Into...
SNOMED International. Business Meetings - OIMP. Lo...
mentation Showcase 201 4 Presentation or Poster ...
Allergies and Intolerances Section (entries optio...
reinterpretation . of the SNOMED CT . context mod...
Dr Linda Bird. 13. th. April 2013. Agenda. Use C...
CDR Katie Johnson, Pharm D. NPAIHB EHR Integrated...
Liz Johnson, co-chair. Cris Ross, co-chair. July ...
rd. Tuesday. 3 :00PM EST. Registration is Free....
Federal Lead – EHR, Clinical Reminders, PCC. IH...
NLM, EHR, HL7, SDO and other TLAs Standards for L...
NLM, EHR, HL7, SDO and other TLAs Standards for L...
r oadmap Accelerating the s hift to a fully intero...
3 Acknowledgements4 Executive Summary5 6 11 15 19 ...
3 Acknowledgements4 Executive Summary5 6 11 15 19 ...
groupings. . using. an . ontology. Gunnar . DECL...
Giles Armstrong, Consultant in Paediatric Emergenc...
p1003. (. Clinical . Reminders). Updates . and New...
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