Sne Radio published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
watch around nospring-summer 2013 Creativeness Br...
Neil Gehrels, WFIRST Project Scientist. February ...
Bethany Elisa Cobb. The George Washington Univers...
Davide Lazzati (NCSU). Outline. Prehistory. Histo...
Ia. . SNe. in the intermediate Palomar Transien...
Mark Sullivan. University of Southampton. Supern...
Lecture 2. Josh . Frieman. I Jayme . Tiomno. Sch...
Thank you . Sandro. . (and Hans, Jean-Louis, Gia...
SN2014J. R. Margutti. Harvard . nothing. Margutti...
Progenitors and Explosions of Type . Ia. Superno...
Bruno Leibundgut. Some past supernova surveys. His...
Lecture 2. Josh . Frieman. I Jayme . Tiomno. Scho...
Training 2 - Day 1. Portland, Oregon. December 4 ...
Introduction to the Digital Library. Session Over...
only 2 50-day observing windows per year. The bul...
Page . 1. Decision. SNE Recommendation. SNE Recom...
Cecilia Lunardini. Arizona State University . And...
Using the Individual Contributor and Reviewer Rep...
Fi. eld Transient Surveys. Mark Sullivan. (Univer...
Neighborhood Selection . for Supervised and Unsup...
N. eutrino . B. ackground (DSNB). in liquid Argon...
Networks. Xiaowen. Gong, . Xu. Chen, . Junshan....
HSTs continuing contribution to gamma-ray bursts....
Briana Ingermann & Parke Loyd. Meet Pulsation...
January 24, 2014. Monica Trousdale, San Jacinto U...
. Cosmic Explosions. Review, and . results from ...
Confronting Stellar Feedback . Simulations with O...
Joseph Jensen, Utah Valley University. John Blake...
with WFIRST . DRM1 and DRM2. C Baltay. June 1, 20...