Univ Library published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Fawn . Qiu. Final Project Proposal. Proposal. We...
New Zealand Journal of Marine andFreshwater Resear...
Librarians. Robert Martin. Jane Overmoe. Linda Th...
Owen Stephens. 17th June 2009. What is TELSTAR?. ...
) Mission. . Jhoon. Kim . P.I., GEMS Program. D...
Beyond the Basics. Finding and Using U.S. Records...
Genealogical . Research. Bonnie D. Mendes. Librar...
Navigating the State Library and State Archives...
jjcao. Based on the idea . of Professor . Ligang....
A Wearable Gestural Interface. Developed by: Pran...
Game Library. What is Allegro?. Allegro is a cros...
1. The library will follow its general policy of b...
. The word is . borrow. What is the word?. borro...
AbDELLAH”S. Nursing Theory. Presented by: Ther...
Web 2.0 and Library 2.0. An introduction. TUT Lib...
& Industry Research. Ms. Shana . Gass, . MSLS...
Brittney. Marcela . 2B. Endocrine System. Functi...
Kota . Bharu. 2-4 July 2012. Revamping . GXEX1401...
Blouin. Jr.. Bentley Library, University of . Mi...
he is setting himself up against the Revelation, t...
Requests for permission to reproduce or translate ...
. University. . of. Zadar. ...
Mid-South Christian College. College Mission Stat...
35 thelogicandalsogiveitssemanticsonKripke'sstruct...
Science Part II. Dr. Michael . Raucci. Brain Rul...
A practical approach to Library Impact and Value....
You have read that there are different habitats a...
Teen Hack-a-thon. “The teens are hacking in the...
January 21st - 22nd, 2014. Biomedicum. Functiona...
Careers . for Info Pros . Outside. . the Hallowe...
Serving the special needs of patrons in 22 counti...
Ashlynn Wicke. University of Houston-Clear Lake. ...
CLASS Q - SCIENCE (Click each subclass for d...
Scotland . and e-lending. Marion Sinclair. Publis...
A presentation for the 2010 Missouri Library Asso...
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