Tots Vocab published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
The Westing Game (Chapters 1-6). Exclusive: . Shu...
VOCAB. Taint. Page #: . One superstitious sailor ...
Into the Wild. 1. Trough (n). - lowest point of s...
Week 14. Fluency Practice!!. breach. Noun. The br...
All These Words Are Fair Game on Your Final!. Wor...
Basic Subjects. with Mrs Angry Carrot-know-it-all...
: . Catcher in the Rye. 1.. . Hemorrhage (n). - ...
SAT & Content Words . Hemorrhages. Ostracized...
Grade Week 16 Agenda & Obj. 12/16-12/20. M...
. Vocabulary Practice: Warm-Up. novelty. indefin...
4. E2 VQ4. E1 . VQ4. abet. . – (. tv. ) to enc...
Autotrophs. Producers. Photosynthesis. Chemosynth...
What do you think “Authentic Intellectual Workâ...
Do you believe that intelligence is fixed and un...
Five minutes to review for Week 2 vocab. study. ....
5. . Agenda. 10/1/12-10/5/12. Monday: Sister . A...
Unit 5. a. mnesty. (n.) a general pardon for an o...
Gatsby Vocab 4 - 7 Chapter 4 1. 2. punctilious 3....
By: Angela . Peik. Explanation. A student with fi...
1. Past/Present: corralled/corralling . 2. Plural...
BW. The focus on the battle’s effects on . Heor...
I trust you to know where you need to sit, so cho...
Inside the Classroom (again). with Miss. . Digit...
The Westing Game . (Chapters 10-13). Prattle. - ....
Semester TWO. Vocabulary Defs. . Vocab: Tuesday 1...
Bellwork. : Using the form provided by the teach...
Level D, . Pds. . 3, 7 & 8. 1. abscond. Conno...
1876-1916. Mother was unmarried; wealthy. She mar...
Created by Al-. Failakawi. Verb. To introduce gra...
STAE. Mr. Perone. Abate. To reduce in intensity o...
Noun. -a person, place, thing, idea, concept. Pro...
Jacob Craig . Kratzer. AP Literature and Comp.. T...
Night. by . Elie. Wiesel. Surname. Family Name,...
The Art of Language. Day 1. Vocabulary. Lit Circ...
unctuous . usurp . vacuous . vehement . vortex . ...
Affable. (adj.) courteous and pleasant, sociable....
The US and the League of Nations. Essential Quest...
RDFa 1.1 Lite is a subset of RDFa 1.1. Five simpl...
RDFa 1.1 Lite is a subset of RDFa 1.1. Five simpl...
Abominate. (v.) to have an intense dislike or hat...
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