Sustainablecollections Libraries published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
March 15, 2013. The Structure of Scholarly Commun...
and . Urban Life. Images from Google Images. http...
Lorcan Dempsey & Constance . Malpas. , OCLC R...
October 8,2010. Lynn Silipigni Connaway. Senior R...
, S. . Kazakov. V. . Dubinkina. , . Tyakht. A., ...
eRate. , filtering, and cyber-security. Office fo...
. Developing a Coordinated Response to Ensuring ...
Chris Tomer. School of Computing and Information....
In the Service of University Libraries – A revi...
The Role of Collective Management. Olav Stokkmo. ...
OPenn. Doug Emery, Schoenberg I...
of. Sweden. National . reference. copy. Nationa...
Of . Library Science. And . Its Work. In. ...
COSLA Fall Meeting, October 25, 2016. Background....
Proffitt. , OCLC Research. @. merrileeIam. MOOC. ...
Maria O’Sullivan. Dlr Libraries. libraries.dlrc...
Ogre, Bullet, . OgreBullet. , and . RakNet. Intro...
EBSCO Information Services. PlumX. . M. ěřenÃ...
Dr. . Priya. . Rai. Deputy Librarian. National L...
Talk to Me. . WKU Libraries Oral History Project...
ritium . transport . Carlos Moreno. CIEMAT. 2. nd...
the IST . Honors Thesis Project. FA15 . Dr...
Using digital literacy and employability to engag...
part one. Introduction to knowledge management ....
.. A definition of bibliographic utilities as g...
. Due to diminishing use of print journals, . Al...
Adult Programming in. Public Libraries. Trevor Ma...
b. rary, the . n. etwork. Congrès. des . milieu...
SUNYLA Conference 2012. June 7, 2012. Katherine J...
Knowledge Gateway . Partner . Jekaterinburg, . 21...
Engine can be developed on common desktop develop...
SOLIT Mantra: Visualizing Popular Library Combina...
Objectives. To Understand the history of Linux/Un...
George a. Smathers libraries. JUly. 2016. Agenda...
ALCTS Heads of Cataloging IG. January 23, 2012. J...
Research Computing Services. Katia Oleinik (kolei...
Roman . S. Panchyshyn, MLIS. Kent . State Univers...
subscription to . Fair Open . Access . Roadmap. 2...
Copac. Tools. Maureen Pinder. Wesline. conferen...
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