Surrounded Acts published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Acts 26:1-29. We are called to persuade (with wis...
What Must the Preacher Say?. 2. Designation . –...
What is it in the new testament ?. Speaking in to...
!. Fathers leading. God purpose . (1 Cor 11:8-9; ...
to Suffer Shame for His Name. . (Acts ...
Antiochs. Text. : . Acts 11:19; 13:14 . Intro . A...
1. Then Saul, still breathing threats and murder...
Matthew 26:26-30 (NKJV) . 26 And as they were ea...
Mercantilism. Economic policy that looked upon tr...
14:1-28. Acts 14. The Gospel Invites Praise and S...
A . Scriptural Beginning. Where Are You?. LEVEL 1...
Three Perspectives of Paul’s Conversion. Conver...
FAITH. Who Will Be The Shepherds?. Why Shepherds?...
Areopagus. and said, ‘Men of Athens, I perceiv...
Acts 5: 1-16. Is it Ok to Keep Your Money? . Ac...
phxicc. WELCOME. Communion. Contribution. Announc...
Part 2. Critical Vocabulary. Boycott- a refusal t...
Ministry !. Spiritual day 10.09.2016. SMSV. The G...
FAMILY . Sanctification + Spirit Led Works ( Will...
AND PRAYER. Acts 2.42. They devoted themselves to...
How Come and How So?. How Come? – Acts 20:25-30...
became . a Believer. Acts 16:6-15. Lydia. Far fro...
Evangelism in the Book of Acts. Go . Make Discip...
Here is the link for the spiritual gifts inventor...
Acts 23:1. What Kind Of Conscience Do You Have?. ...
Thom S. Rainer. Jim Collins’ . Good to Great. 1...
Lecture 8. Maritime Christian College. Scott Jaco...
Acts 20: 13-36. A Far Away Final Goodbye. ...
1 John 3:1-3; Revelation 21:4. March 19, 2017. Fa...
Acts 9:5. Kicking Against . the Goads. Goad – A...
Acts 9:1-4. Acts 9:1-4. Then Saul, still breathin...
What we are communicating to others. Who Is the c...
What was the Stamp Act?. An act created by Britis...
Law . of Christ. Paul . was open about his sin, c...
Intro. To Luke. How does Luke portray Christ?. Ho...
If it pleases us, then it must please God?. Vain ...
Early. Christians. AND THE LAW OF MOSES. Early Ch...
Someone must Suffer. Steve Smith. Now I rejoice i...
Go Tell . the Good. News. !. Lesson ...
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