Superconducting published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Cryogen Free Splittable Quadrupole. (. Technical ...
Nick Hill. EE 4611. 4-20-16. Outline. Superconduc...
Daimeng Zhang, . Melissa . Trepanier. , Oleg . Mu...
Jim Clarke. . ASTeC, STFC Daresbury Laboratory. ...
single-photon . detectors . Robert Hadfield. Heri...
Design work at LLNL . Matthew Horsley, . LLNL. Wo...
Daimeng Zhang, . Melissa . Trepanier. , Oleg . Mu...
Superconductor . Electrodynamics. Steven M. Anlag...
Tom Peterson, . SLAC . USPAS. January, 2017. Jan...
. Warren Schappert. TD/SRF. . . Fermilab. Tu...
Nick Hill. EE 4611. 4-20-16. Outline. Superconduc...
Akim. . Babenko. 2017 Helen Edwards summer inter...
Quench Propagation and Protection. Herman ten Kat...
Q-Drop. Behnood G. Ghamsari, Tamin Tai, Steven M....
Antonino . Miceli. . FNAL . Research Techniques ...
Aug 6, 2016. Masanori . Matsuoka. Secretary Genera...
P.Fabbricatore. - Coordinator of AMICI WP-5 . In...
Magnet parameters:. Large vertical gap . ± 80 mra...
October 25, 2017. Masanori . Matsuoka. Secretary G...
. NbN. and Nb3Sn for SRF applications. Reza Valiz...
on. CERN-LNL-STFC collaboration KE2722/BE/FCC. 3. ...
Prototype Construction and Schedule of Series . in...
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Rome, Apri...
21/01/16. 2. Mechanical Measurement Lab. EN/MME M....
. Gijs de Rijk. CERN. 10. th. April 2019. Magnet ...
Adriana E. Lita. Faint Photonics Group (. Sae. Wo...
George Crabtree, Ulrich . Welp. , Karen . Kihlstro...
Department of ChemistryUniversity of California Be...
Roberto Leoni . IFN-CNR. , Istituto di Fotonica e ...
On. . behalf. . of. . the. FREIA . team. FREIA...
Magnetic Field. While MRI is considered to be a sa...
for hadron . therapy. . . Joseph V. Minervini. ...
. from. Josephson . effects. . to. . quantum. ...
Introduction to NIMMS. Next. Ion Medical Machine ...
U. Amaldi (TERA), V. Bencini (CERN), E. Benedetto ...
in ASTeC. Oleg Malyshev and Reza Valizadeh. 1. The...
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