Spin Muon published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
HaldaneFest. , Princeton, September 14, 2011. Gre...
Principle first observed in 1946. Used for spectr...
Thomas Latham. University of Warwick. Not so char...
수도 . : . 자카르타 . (Jakarta). Indonesia ...
ECSE 641. Spring . 2015. Huennekens. Sensory Proc...
spin-1bosonsmediatorsofinteractions:gluons,W+;W ;Z...
The University of Tennessee (UT). Institute of Ph...
Aharonov. -Bohm, and . Color . Entanglement in Qu...
. spin . ½ Higgs. -. related particles, mass ~ ...
in condensed . matter systems (pre-. Majorana. d...
One-dimensional ballistic/coherent transport. L...
Juan Maldacena. Institute for Advanced Study. . ...
COSY. Step 1: Spin . coherence . and systematic e...
Machine development for spin-filtering experiment...
rings. July. 5, 2012 ...
Spin-orbit coupling. (c) So Hirata, Department of...
precision measurements: what do they provide?....
The Spin Do not over complicate the spin
Tore Larsen. With slides from . T. Plagemann, C. ...
J. . Biercuk. Quantum Control Laboratory. Centr...
By Jacob Ritz. Kelly Clark. Zach Beckman . Setup....
Spinwaves. Symposium, June 2013. T. . Ostler. , ...
I. Radu1,2*, K. Vahaplar1, C. Stamm2, T. Kachel2,...
(Talk #1). Pascal . Dupieux. (ALICE) . Alexei Sa...
Dieter Jaksch. Outline. Lecture 1: Introduction. ...
Hyperons. Classification of the Elementary Partic...
. Group. Dave DeMille. , . E. . Altuntas. , J...
Electron Configurations. Japanese company makes b...
13. th. December 2014. To enjoy safe flying, fri...
ORKA: . Preliminary Cost and Schedule Estimates....
2 WearenowgoingtoseetheSpinmodelcheckeratwork.Youc...
Monolayer . Molybdenum Disulphide. . M. ustafa. ...
10-6. Integration reveals the number of hydrogens...
Rossiter. -McLaughlin Effect and. Direct Imaging ...
F. Marinho. Overview. UED . Model. . reminder. M...
rotating frame . the magnetic field becomes time-...
in Hadronic Systems. Christopher Crawford. , Univ...
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