Spherical Iks published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Lake Tanganyika 2D Marine Seismic Survey. Data Pr...
Lake Tanganyika 2D Marine Seismic Survey. Data Pr...
I. .. . Salom. and V. .. . Dmitra. šinović. ...
a040 Spherical a0404 a131 Coma a131h3cos a222 a...
Assumptions: (1) Sphere walls are isothermal, (2) ...
1. The story so far:. We found the constraint mat...
microsecond isomers among fission products from i...
Nidhi. Joshi. Centre for Theoretical Physics. Ja...
John Brosz & . Faramarz. Samavati. Universit...
+. ions confined in the SPECTRAP ion trap driven...
cs129: Computational Photography. James Hays, Bro...
meeting #2. Good use for diffraction: . exoplanet...
Pole Figure Data. 27-. 750. Texture, Microstructu...
& . Polyhedron . Routing . for. Load Balancin...
Roads for Water and Resilience. RAINWATER . RUNO...
Vojin . Šenk (vojin_senk. @uns.ac.rs). Ivan Stan...
spherical micelles. J Am Chem Soc (2008) vol. 130 ...
PHY 752 Spring 2015 -- Lecture 14. 1. PHY 752 So...
Volume Formula of a Sphere:. In 3 dimensions, the...
Particle on . a sphere. (c) So Hirata, Department...
Mitchell A Jackson MD. Founder/Director, . Jackso...
I. .. . Salom. and V. .. . Dmitra. šinović. ...
YM . Wang, . S. . Holmes, J Saleh, XP Li . and D ...
Physics 7C lecture . 18. Thursday . December . 5....