Spectre Programming published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Chapter One. Modern Programming Languages, 2nd ed...
Introduction to Programming Massively Parallel Gr...
. http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~cs1010/. Week 4: S...
Key Elements to Success. Career Development Educa...
Agenda. Shell. Requirements. Phase 1, 2, 3. API a...
Problem #2 Page 199 . Fruit Computer Company. Tea...
Jared Cantwell. Review. Multicast. Causal and tot...
5. . Handling Input (Part 1). Chih. Hung Wang. R...
Approaches to teaching media computation have so ...
Disclaimer. The information contained in this sli...
Xuhua Xia. xxia@uottawa.ca. http://dambe.bio.uott...
Mosharaf Chowdhury. EECS 582 – W16. 1. Stats on...
Spring 2016. Programming in JavaScript. Expressio...
Transparent. Clearly defined criteria for each gr...
Connecting and C. ustomizing. Mission-Based . Pro...
introduction. Disclaimer: This document is provid...
Buffer overflow. Slides adapted from Bryant and ....
Dr. Jeyakesavan Veerasamy. CS faculty. , The Univ...
Anirudh. . Sivaraman. , Alvin Cheung, Mihai . Bu...
. Shantenu Jha represented by . Geoffrey Fox. gc...
HISTORY OF PASCAL. . Developed by . Niklaus. Wi...
Chapter 46. argc, argv, envp. Herbert G. Mayer, P...
Ranga Rodrigo. Learning Outcomes. Demonstrate com...
Emerging Persistent . Memory Technologies. Phase ...
Vijay . Pai. (PI), Deborah Bennett, . Cordelia. ...
Alice . What is Alice?. Alice is a educational pr...
Women in Tech. Sarah Dutkiewicz. sarah@cletechcon...
Introducing Pointers in C. zyBook: 9.1, 9.2. prel...
6/16/2010. Parallel Programming Abstractions. 1. ...
The Art of Multiprocessor Programming. by Maurice...
July . 7. , . 2008. David Sun. Announcements. You...
User-Defined . Functions. Read Malik, . p. ages ....
1. Motivations. 2. In the preceding chapter, you ...
A programmable wireless . dataplane. Manu . Bansa...
SoFTWARE. By Sanjay and Arvind . Seshan. Lesson O...
A . C. ustomer . P. erspective. Alexander Stepano...
Concepts and Languages. Chapter 12. Programming ...
for end-user programming. Christopher . Scaffidi....
Lillian N Cassel. Department of Computing Science...
1. Python Programming:. An Introduction to. Compu...
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