Scalable Checkpointing published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Gupta IBM India Research Labs Block 1 IIT Hauz Kh...
utkedu Abstract We present a Cholesky factorizatio...
UCBEECS2012259 httpwwweecsberkeleyeduPubsTechRpts...
Priority queues are fundamental in the design of ...
It provides financ ial managers the ability to ra...
umnedu GroupLens Research Group Army HPC Research...
leutenegger margaritachli and rolandsiegwart mavte...
Miller and enneth C Se vcik periklistsapmiller kc...
ncsuedu Paul H Hargrove Eric Roman Future Technolo...
com ABSTRACT Latent variable techniques are pivota...
frehseimagfr Abstract We present a scalable reacha...
FernandesJoaoCachopo istutlpt Abstract Software Tr...
Howe ver as the size of the aw data incr eases pa...
Adams Harvard University apwseasharvardedu elaine...
Kar ger M Frans Kaashoek Frank Dabek Hari Balakri...
torontoedu Yashar Ganjali Department of Computer S...
com Daniel Delling Microsoft Research SVC dadellin...
Schmidt Raphael Hiesgen HAW Hamburg Dept Computer...
Berger Kathryn S McKinley Robert D Blumofe Paul R...
edu St ephane Glondu ENS de Cachan France stephglo...
nuseducom Divyakant Agrawal University of Californ...
Clements M Frans Kaashoek Nickolai Zeldovich Robe...
imiiutokyoacjp Akihiko Nagakubo Intelligent System...
The main features of UbiCra wler are platform ind...
deccom This paper describes Mercator a scalable ex...
educn Abstract The CUR matrix decomposition is an ...
edu Abstract Large networks such as the Internet p...
edu lsongccgatechedu Princeton University Carnegie...
Why not primary copy, as in Harp? Work out our ow...
Ann Chervenak 1 Ewa Deelman 1 Ian Foster 2...
Inf o /10 industry-standard, cutting-edge product...
ADVANTAGES SCALABLE:Cost effective monitoring from...
Business Solutions NBS' key business objective is ...
Thesis Proposal. Tao Huang. taohuang@cs.indiana.e...
Spinlocks and all the rest. Synchronization Overv...
Effective Name . Component Encoding. Yi . Wang. ,...
Larry Peterson. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Mai...
Meeting the scalable RFID challenge. • Manu...
Infrastructure. Dr. . Natheer. . Khasawneh. Rafa...
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