Rounds Patients published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Miguel Imperial MD . MHSc. FRCPC. Miguel.Imperial...
Developed Jan. 2020. Outline. What is Structured I...
63. 70. 77. 84. 0. 6. 12. 18. 24. 30. 36. 42. 48. ...
2023-01-17. Jason Lones. REDCap Grand Rounds – D...
Rounds and Continuing Education. Internship Class ...
activity. , it is only effective if it is fitting ...
Orthopaedic. Surgeon. b. y. Jennifer L. Cook, M....
Shivani. V. Reddy, M.D.. 3/6/2014. University of...
Deb Bynum, MD. 2009. She is a really good student...
Reema. Syed, MBBS. University of Louisville. Dep...
October 2. nd. 2014. David Tang M.D.. Faculty. M...
May 1, 2014. Fellow: David Tang, M.D.. Faculty: M...
May 1, 2014. Fellow: David Tang, M.D.. Faculty: M...
Neuro Boot Camp 2017. ward. General Neurology, mo...
PICU Orientation Manual 2016 - 2017 June 2016Wel...
4 References.........................................
509Preceptor Alley Killian PharmD The Surgical In...
Presenter: Timothy B. McDonald, MD, JD. Do Less Ha...
2021. Outline. Clinical Expectations. Monthly Sche...
Shivani. V. Reddy, M.D.. University of Louisvill...
Andrei Karpov. PGY-1, FRCPC Program. Digoxin Toxi...
1. Subcuticular sutures versus staples for skin c...
Tracheostomy Multi-Disciplinary Team (TMDT) care ...
(last updated . June 2015). TLC Teams. Team 1. Te...
When a Family Says, . “Do Everything”. And We...
M.D., MPH. University of Louisville School of Me...
October 31, 2013. Fellow: David Tang, M.D.. Facul...
Linda Liu MS4. Shirlene. . Obuobi. MS4. Your pa...
January 5. th. , 2012 . TOPIC. ORTHOSTATIC HYPOT...
February 20, 2014. Fellow: David Tang, M.D.. Facul...
Burn Surgeons Bret Alvis Stuart McGrane Blair Summ...
w 9/Respiratory Acute Care Unit Core Interventions...
Less is More. Permissive Hypotension and TXA in He...
Tracheostomy Multi-Disciplinary Team (TMDT) care i...
Christopher Driscoll, MD. Special thanks to Reid E...
65 Rotation Name Peds/Onc at Michigan State Univer...
(presented from . Gulu. Regional Referral Hospita...
Who is the NHA?. 92 member hospitals. Nearly 50,00...
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