Roderigo published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Working through the text using the AOs as a frame...
Scene 1. AO1: What happens in this scene? . Look...
The Assessment Objectives become our framework fo...
William. Shakespeare. /Gospels of Mark, Luke, Ma...
Act I. Act I, Scene I. Summary:. Roderigo & I...
O. The Machiavellian Villain. A . Machiavellian. ...
Thinking about . Othello. , . an interactive stud...
Dramatis Personae. Duke of Venice. Othello: Moor,...
Shakespeare’s Baffled Lovers: . Othello, . Othe...
Key People, Vocab, Dates . Usery. Edict of Expuls...
ACT I. p. 13: Act I . Vocab:. 1. Desolate. (. ad...
(From Line 61) Pick out any descriptions of Desde...
This scene readily divides into four parts:. firs...
- Othello. Introduction . There are many . differ...
This scene readily divides into four parts:. firs...
Theme of Love (and Lust) - Othello Introduction ...
Chernyavskaya. A. 9”A”. “Othello” (“The...
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