Researcher Efficient published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Petter Svärd, . Benoit . Hudzia. , Johan Tordsso...
10 Green Ideas. Ayfer . Gamze. Ş. ALVARLILAR. E...
Report on the Efficient Management of Public Expen...
208 FIG 1. Arch Vault Evolution FIG 2. Sagrada Fa...
Disciplined Non-Determinism. Hyojin Sung. , . Rak...
A . partner . in . promoting integrity . in . res...
International summer school on. . new trends in...
and Effective Delivery. of IT Services. IT Leader...
Erin . Shawgo. , Marquette University. Presentati...
Price Discovery. Terrence Hendershott . (. Jonath...
Topic 12. I. . Efficient Market. Theory (EMT). ...
Outside The Building. Community Connectivity Enco...
Why Small Electric Vehicles Can Play a Major Role...
The . sole responsibility for the content of this...
Elizabeth . Mitcham. University of California, Da...
States of the Gulf. R. Espinoza*, G. Fayad. §. ...
Ankit Sethia* Scott . Mahlke. University...
Final Defense Presentation. by Steven Y. Ko. Thes...
ExaScale. . Challenges and Potential Solutions. ...
Time Series in High Energy Astrophysics. Brandon ...
Don Fullerton. Robert N. Stavins. April 1998. Com...
About the Environment?. Don Fullerton. Robert N. ...
Markets. Market. - an arrangement that allows buy...
MICROECONOMICS. Principles and Analysis. . Frank...
Pumping System Fundamentals. V = volume flow rat...
Energy Efficient Mortgages. Manually Underwritten...
S . Amari. 11.03.18.(Fri). Computational Modeling...
Optimal . ContRol. of self-Organized Wireless Ne...
Less Affordable, and a Catalyst for Computer Scie...
. Hog. vs.. Hog Busters. 10. 20. 10. 40. 30. 1. ...
Sameer Pandita . Assistant Energy Economist . Bur...
Typing. for TypeScript. Aseem Rastogi. University...
Countries : . Ethiopia . Adamu. . Addissie. MD ...
: From Geni-fication to Orca-fication . ─ Statu...
to Difficult Water Treatment Problems. About R3 F...
Embedded CPU-GPU Architectures. Xuntao Cheng. , B...
in a Managed Language Virtual Machine. Michael . ...
extraction. Zhao...
Team Oorja . Better Buildings Case Competition 20...
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