Research:policies published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Fingal PPN. . . Soci...
Harry Oosterhuis. . Department of History. Facul...
Tom Parsons, Project Manager. , Research Data . M...
IU Office of Research Compliance. Contents of Pre...
The Findings of the . JoRD. Project. Marianne Bam...
First Semester, SY . 2015-2016. DISCS Academic In...
Jim Cummins. The University of Toronto. LEARNMe. ...
Topic 3: Governance and Operation of a TTO. Tehr...
. général. Conseil Français de l’Énergie. ...
://. ARMA ...
Research Ethics, Education, and Policy. Office of...
Visible – The Registry. Frank Schol...
Designing . Successful Open Access and Open Data ...
Name. : . Rinus. . Penninx. Organization. : . Fo...
Sharing and Archiving for Posterity. Melanie . Ra...
The ADMIRe Project and Institutional Research Dat...
November 9, . 2016. Research Compliance Officer. A...
1Opening RemarksMs Noor Al-Malki Al-JehaniLadies a...
Yousef Ahmed . Alomi. , Amal Hassan Al-Najjar, . M...
Yousef Ahmed . Alomi. , Amal Hassan Al-Najjar, . G...
Family Medicine Research Unit . Monthly Meeting . ...
HHMI laboratory heads referred to in this polic y...
FACT. Peter Millington, Jane Smith. ,. . Azhar H...
Finding Out . the Facts. 1. What we’ll be looki...
Research & Resources. Presented by Megan Lowe...
Interactions with Industry. Office for Interactio...
Tim Mulcahy, Vice President for Research. Sarah ....
30 November 2015. Agricultural Growth Corridors ....
FACT. Peter Millington, Jane Smith. ,. . Azhar H...
Rationale – the national picture. Inclusion (an...
The Role of the Supervisor. . 21/07/...
Finding Common Ground and Perspectives . Laura Re...
Alma Swan. Director of Advocacy, SPARC Europe. Co...
Women: . Can . ICT Ensure Agency? . CPRSouth2016....
Research Informing Policy. and Practice. Caroline...
Angela Bain, . IRB Administrator. ...
Why it’s important for cancer societies to focu...
John R. Stone, MD, PhD. Center for Health Policy ...
Emily . R. Novak . Gustainis. , Countway Library,...
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