Readmissions Patient published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Bree. Collaborative. March 27, 2013. Outline of ...
September . 2011. Unplanned readmissions related ...
Denise Remus, PhD, RN. Improvement Advisor, Cynos...
of Nursing Facility . and Hospital Interactions. ...
George Washington University. Reducing Medicaid R...
June 26, 2014. Intermountain HEN. Andrew Masica, ...
Readmissions, Value-Based Purchasing and Beyond. ...
Mark Johnson. , . mandy. . woodward. Big Aim. To...
MD vs National Readmission Trends NationMDMD-US Di...
Jay Ford. Tim Conner. 2013 WI Mental Health Colla...
Early . Hospital Readmissions In Patients with CH...
Introducing . Truven Health Center for Innovation...
Bree. Collaborative. May 29, 2013. Goals for Tod...
Issued:9/22/16Number:101 Subject:ADMISSIONS, READM...
A Policy Potpourri . New York Academy of Medicine...
Linda Steffens BSN RN CCRN. Stacy Jaeger MS APRN-...
Introducing . Truven Health Center for Innovation...
per 1,000 Medicare beneficiaries, 2012–2014. Me...
1. . Unnecessary readmission. .. . Decision to r...
Are You Prepared?. Lois . Ustanko. , RN, MHA. Dir...
Scott Knoer, M.S., Pharm.D.. Chief Pharmacy Offic...
By Melissa Blank-. Harbert. , Vice President &...
CMS Hospital Engagement Network . Readmissions. M...
and 1Q17 . MBQIP Data. May 19, 2017. Joshua Salan...
Organization: Children’s . Health, Children’s...
A look at the changes to hospitals and Marylandâ€...
Readmissions, HAC and VBP Penalties. 3% 1% 1....
Erin Johnson, MSN, RN, . Sara Stetz, MSN, RN. A m...
My . Healthy . Heart . Innovation Strategy. Probl...
New Evidence!. A randomized study evaluated wheth...
Brief Description: . A PowerPoint deck that inclu...
Ben Yandell, . PhD, CQE. System Associate Vice Pre...
Raj S. . Pruthi. MD MHA FACS. Rhodes Distinguishe...
The Wake Health Model. Sharon D. Cornelison RCP, R...
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