Rdf Data published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Gordon Dunsire. Chair, IFLA Namespaces Technical ...
Chapter 4. Specialized RDF Relationships:. Reific...
Chapter 2. RDF: Heart and Soul. Shelley Powers, O...
Examples. Dbpedia. Freebase. Library Congress LOD...
Describing . Taxon Concepts from http://. code.go...
to Linked Open Data. Matej. . Durco. Institute f...
- or - . What happened to the. Beverages at K3LR ...
Nodes. Blank nodes are great!. Blank Nodes are Gr...
Using . MapReduce. Jacopo . Urbani. , Spyros . Ko...
Semantic Web Topics. OWL. Jeff Heflin. Lehigh Uni...
namespaces, elements, vocabularies, application p...
University at Buffalo. August 11-12, 2012. Goal a...
The Innovation of our Energy Future. About . E. ...
by . Ranjani. . Sankaran. . &. krishna. . ...
. slides are borrowed from Costello . 2. Lecture...
Colin Batchelor. ,. Ken Karapetyan, Valery Tkache...
Metadata Strategies for Time-Based Media Blues. J...
Scholarly articles haven't really changed much in...
NERF, 6. th. June 2013 . Kirk . Bridgewood. Derw...
Task 3: Semantic Databases on the XMT. PNNL: . Da...
Knowledge Representation. Part VI. . Some more d...
Knowledge Representation. Part VI. . Some more d...
Abdulla Alasaadi. aalasaad@cs.odu.edu. Old Domini...
Jena. Sources for examples can be found @. http:/...
:. An Overview of . Gush. Jeannie . Albrecht. Wil...
Michael A. Sterba. KG7HQ. Assistant director/tech...
Dr. Nicholas Gibbins – . nmg@ecs.soton.ac.uk. ...
LBSC 770. Bibliographic Control. Two Ways of Sear...
for Small and Large Lots. Small antennas. H...
FamilySearch. — A Large-Scale Reasoning Applic...
Nisma Aly. IS 373. 4-19-2010. Introduction. Info...
CC7220-1 La Web de Datos Primavera 2019 Lecture...
Taylor Cowan. Brian Boyd. Travelocity.com. Agenda....
Primavera . 2016. Lecture. 4: Web . Ontology. . ...
Miguel Ángel García . Delgado, Daniel Vila-Suero...
Language (. OWL). Dr Nicholas . Gibbins - . nmg. @...
CWM Overview. CWM is a simple Semantic Web program...
C. Binding, K. May. 1. , R. Souza, D. Tudhope, A. ...
Register your Registry in the Federation. Metadata...
M. Abdullah. 1. st. . semester . 2018-2019. Comp...
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