Rda Recording published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Last updated: . Oct. . 6, . 2010. Renette Davis. ...
RDA Training. Utah State Library. Harold B. Lee L...
RDA Essentials for SW and SE Ohio April 1 and Jun...
A Practical Primer on RDA. COSUGI. Detroit, Michi...
Fotis Karayannis. Athena Research Center and RDA s...
Committee on Cataloging: Description and Access. ...
Weiping. Zhang. Government Documents Librarian. ...
:. Mapping a New Route. 1. 2. INTRODUCTION. Hoste...
Access. Credits. Many slides are from the followi...
Stephanie Bonjack. University of Southern Califor...
Gordon . Dunsire. Presented at CILIP RDA: Resourc...
Gordon Dunsire. Chair, IFLA Namespaces Technical ...
12 May 2014. Navigating the RDA . Toolkit. RDA To...
Atoma. . Batoma. RDA Terminology. RDA Vocabulari...
CEAL. Committee on Technical Processing. March 31...
Train-the-trainer course for . RDA: Resource Desc...
Alan Danskin. Metadata Standards Manager, British...
Gordon . Dunsire. Chair, RDA . Steering Committee...
Gordon . Dunsire. Chair, RDA Steering Committee. ...
A MOUG Panel Discussion. Kathy Glennan, Universit...
Transfer training. April 2015. css@bodleian.ox.ac...
RDA . Training . and Implementation. Presentation...
Deborah Lee. CILIP CIG conference, 10/9/14. Chang...
Topics: Compilations & Collaborations—Pt. 3...
2014 ALA Midwinter Meeting. ALCTS . CaMMS. Cata...
Gordon Dunsire. Presented to SAC meeting, ALA Mid...
Train-the-trainer course for . RDA: Resource Desc...
(and a few things in between). The history and co...
and the User:. a new direction. CLA 2012 Ottawa. ...
Module 7. Relationships in RDA. Authority Control...
in RDA instruction number order. Part 1 of 2. Pre...
Hands. -On Session on PID registration and resolu...
Gordon Dunsire. Presented to RDA Forum, ALA Annua...
A . New Way to Look at . the Henson . Collection....
Catalogs: . A Guide for Public Service Staff and ...
Gordon Dunsire. Presented to the EURIG seminar, R...
Gordon Dunsire. Presented to the Cataloguing and ...
a Project at UWG. GUGM. May 15, . 2014. Presenter...
in RDA instruction number order. Part 1 of 3. Pre...
Gordon Dunsire. Presented to RDA Forum, ALA Annua...
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